PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


Command class, code listing, 254
command element, 248
ControllerMap class, code listing, 249
doExecute(), 256
execute(), 255
FrontController class, code listing, 246
getCommand(), 253
getForward(), 253
getOptions(), 249
getResource(), 253
getStatus(), 255
getView(), 253
implementing, 246
overview of, 245
parsing the configuration file, 249
setting configuration directives, code
listing, 247
status element, 249
statuses(), 255
storing the configuration data, 249
using an application controller to acquire
commands and views, illustration of,
view element, 248
application scope, 229
ApplicationHelper class, 225, 238–239, 244

code listing, 237
ApplicationRegistry class, 234, 238–239, 245
code listing, 232
ApptEncoder class, 153
Archer class, 170
argData(), 93
Army class, 171
ArmyVisitor class, 213–214
array hinting, 27

array_slice(), 91
artifacts, definition of, 449
artifactspublisher element, 449
as element, 341
assertEquals(), 384
definition of, 383
PHPUnit’s support for, 384
AssertThat(), 387
AssertTrue(), 386

associations, unidirectional and bidirectional,

Atkinson, Leon, 5
attach(), 204–206, 209
attributes, 111
AuthenticateRequest class, 180
@author tag, 352
__autoload(), 80
automated build, 407, 459

■ B
Base class, 27, 33
code listing, 266
Beaver, Greg, 353
Beck, Kent, 5, 382
begintoken attribute, 420
behavior verification, 389
Bergmann, Sebastian, 382
Berkeley DB, 363
BinaryCloud, 5
BloggsCal format, 153
class diagram, 159
BloggsCommsManager class, code listing, 159
bombardStrength(), 170–171, 176
BooleanAndExpression class, 195
BooleanOrExpression class, 195
branches, 365
branching, 459
Bugzilla, downloading and using, 460
build reports, 436
build target, 447
build.xml, 407, 409, 440
buildStatement(), 309
buildWhere(), 310
business logic layer, 223
Domain Model pattern, 269
getting on with the business of an
application, 264
Transaction Script pattern, 265
See also presentation layer

■ C
__call(), 60, 86
call_user_func(), 67, 86
call_user_func_array(), 86–87
callbacks, 66
catch clause, 54, 56, 439
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