PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


orthogonal code, advantages of, 104

output attribute, 448
outputAddresses(), 23
overloading, 58
override attribute, 414
Overview screen, 443
overwrite attribute, 422

■ P
package command, 341
package element, 339
@package tag, 351, 353
package.xml, 327, 435
adding the lib directory to the include path,
api element, 336
channel element, 335
contents element, 336
dependency elements, table of, 339
description element, 335
description of, 334
Dialekt package, directory and file structure,
dir element, 336
elements of, 334
file element, 336
file roles, table of, 336
lead element, 335
license element, 336
name element, 335
notes element, 336
package archive (tarball), 336
phprelease, list of elements, 340
privileges and default role locations, 337
release element, 336
stability element, 336
summary element, 335
uri element, 335
user element, 335
XML declaration, 334
building from scratch versus purchasing,
definition of, 71
evaluating, 318
original versus reusable code, 319
PEAR, 318

prepending package names to class names,
using the file system to simulate packages,
Page Controller pattern, 222
AddVenueController class, code listing, 259
advantages and disadvantages of, 261
controller element, 258
error.php, 258
exit(), 258
forward(), 259
include(), 258
overview of, 257
process(), 259
venues.php, 261
view element, 258
PageController class, code listing, 258
parallel conditionals, 141, 149, 454
@param tag, 355
parameters, 112
ParamHandler class, 104, 108
parent class, 27
parent keyword, 33, 35, 42
Parser class, code listing, 474
pattern languages, 125
patternset element
description of, 418
table of attributes, 419
PDO class, 404
code listing, 43
getInstance(), 44
PEAR, 6, 459
acquire(), 333
adding the lib directory to the include path,
addObserver(), 333
as element, 341
browsing repository packages, 323
channel element, 339
channel-discover command, 328
channel-info command, 328
channels, 327
Config class, 330
Config_Container class, 330
Config.php, 330
config-get command, 324
config-show command, 324
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