PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

connect(), 138

creating PEAR packages, 334
Data Source Name (DSN), 138
dependencies tag, 339
dependency elements, table of, 339
description of, 323
difficulties in managing multiple
interdependent packages, 341
distinguishing between Exception types,
downloading and installing a package from
the command line, 327
error handling, 331
exclude element, 339
file roles, table of, 336
finding API documentation, 330

generating archived and compressed
packages for shipment, 341
getBacktrace(), table of elements, 331
getCause(), 332–333
getCode(), 331

getErrorClass(), 332
getErrorData(), 332
getErrorMethod(), 332
getMessage(), 331
handling initial configuration options, 325
handling project installations with, 407
hosting a channel with a third-party
provider, 342
install element, 341
installconditions element, 341
installing packages with the install
command, 326
isError(), 331
Linux systems, 324
Log package, installing, 326
managing packages, 344
max element, 339
MDB2 package, 138
MDB2_Driver_Common class, 138

migrating to, 325
min element, 339
MyConfig class, code example, 330
notifyError(), 333
object-oriented programming and, 13
Observer pattern, 332
optional element, 340

package command, 341
package element, 339
package.xml, 327, 334
pear command line application, 324
PEAR Foundation Classes, 324
PEAR installer, using, 320
PEAR_Error class, 52, 331
PEAR_Exception class, 332
PEAR2_SimpleChannelFrontend, managing
a channel, 343
PEAR2_SimpleChannelServer, defining a
channel, 342
pearinstaller element, 339
Phing and, 408
phprelease, list of elements, 340
phpunit alias, 328
PHPUnit package, installing, 328
PHPUnit, installing, 382
privileges and default role locations, 337
process(), 333
Pyrus, 324
recommended element, 339
required dependencies, installing, 327
required element, 339
required extensions, 325
root privileges, requirements for, 326
runing pear install with the -o flag, 327
sample list of available packages, 318
setting an error_reporting directive, 330
Unix systems, 324
uri element, 339
using PEAR packages, 329
using Pyrus channel management to serve
PEAR packages, 342
using the naming convention common to
PEAR packages, 78
wget command, 327
XML_Feed_Parser package, 332
See also PHP
pear package command, 448
PEAR_Exception class, 332
pearinstaller element, 339
performOperations(), 293
Perl, 11
persistence classes, illustration of, 312
PersistenceFactory class, illustration of, 301
Phing, 7, 439, 459
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