PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

See also PEAR

installing and using, 433
phpcb command line tool, 434
PHP_CodeSniffer, 433
php.ini, 79, 337
phpdoc command, 349
PHPDocumentor, 7, 321, 431, 459
adding comments to source code, 350
@author tag, 352
Beaver, Greg, 353
class relationships, viewing, 350
classes, documenting, 352
@copyright tag, 352
creating hyperlinks in documentation, 356
-d flag, 349
-dn flag, 349
DocBlock comments, 350, 352
documentation, generating, 349
documenting methods, 355
documenting private elements, 354
documenting properties, 353
downloading and installing, 348
file-level documentation, providing, 353
-h flag, 348
@license tag, 353
@link tag, 358
making a reciprocal link, 358
namespaces and, 353
navigating and examing packages, 351
output menu, sample page, 349
@package tag, 351, 353
@param tag, 355
phpdoc command, 349
-pp flag, 354
@return tag, 355
running as a command line tool, 349
@see tag, 356, 348
-t flag, 349
tags, defining, 351
-ti flag, 349
@uses tag, 358
@var tag, 353
See also documentation
phprelease, list of elements, 340
phpuc command line tool, 438

amending the config.xml and build.xml
files, 442
bug in the phpuc graph command, 442
project command, using, 441
amending the CruiseControl environment
to support phpUnderControl, 439
ezcGraph, installing, 438
installing, 438
PHPUnit, 7, 430
addUser(), 385
AddVenueTest class, code listing, 397
assertEquals(), 384
assertions, definition of, 383
assertions, support for, 384
AssertThat(), 387
AssertTrue(), 386
behavior verification, 389
Bergmann, Sebastian, 382
brittle nature of many test harnesses, 404
centralizing test fixtures into Object
Mothers, 405
checking the behavior of the UserStore class
when an operation fails, 385
combining real and mocked components in
testing, 405
constraints, 386
creating a minimal test case class, 382
creating a test method, 383
creating a Web UI superclass, 398
DBFace class, 404
debugging tests, 404
expects(), 389–390
exporting a Selenium test as a PHPUnit
class, 402
fail(), 385
faking the context of the class you are
testing, 389
fixture, definition of, 383
fluent interface, 389–390
getMock(), 389
getUser(), 393
handleRequest(), 395
installing using PEAR, 382
is_array(), 393
matcher methods, table of, 390
method(), 390
mock objects, generating, 389
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