PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


acquiring and installing, 408
adding a dependency to a build file, 410
Ant, 407
begintoken attribute, 420
build.xml, 407, 409
building up include and exclude rules, 417
clean argument, 425
commenting build files, 409
composing the build document, 408
copy element, table of attributes, 422
Copy task, 420, 422
-D flag, 413
defaultValue attribute, 424
delete element, 425
deleting a build directory, 425
description attribute, 411
description of, 407
dir attribute, 417
echo element, 423
Echo task, 421
endtoken attribute, 420
ensuring that properties are populated, 416
env prefix in a property reference, 415
excludes attribute, 417
file attribute, 422
FileSet data type, 417
fileset element, table of attributes, 417
filterchain element, 419–420
filters, 419
id attribute, 417
if attribute, 412–413
includes attribute, 417
input element, table of attributes, 424
installing applications, 320
main task, 413
override attribute, 414
overriding the project element’s default
attribute, 410
overwrite attribute, 422
patternset element, table of attributes, 419
PEAR and, 408
phing command, 408
project element, 409
-projecthelp flag, 411
promptChar attribute, 424
properties, built-in, 415
properties, declaring, 412

properties, setting on the command line,
propertyName attribute, 424
replacetokens element, 420
ReplaceTokens filter, 420
setpass target, 424
srclib fileset element, 422
StripPhpComments task, 419
target element, table of attributes, 414
targets, setting up dependencies, 410
tasks, definition of, 421
unless attribute, 412–413
uses for, 408
using make as a build solution, 407
-v flag, 408
ways of setting a property, 416
when a property isn’t found, 415
XML declaration, including, 409
Atkinson, Leon, 5
Fuecks, Harry, 5
Gutmans, Andi, 5, 11
hinted return types, 156
Lerdorf, Rasmus, 5, 11
namespaces and, 455
origins of, 4
pass-by-reference rather than pass-by-value,
PEAR, 6, 13
Phing, description of, 407
PHP 3 and objects, 11
PHP 4 and objects, 12
PHP 4 and var keyword, 17, 35
PHP 5 and objects, 13
PHP 5, release features, 453
PHP 5.3 and namespaces, 14, 71
PHP 6 and objects, 14
PHP as a loosely typed language, 22
PHP/FI 2.0, 11
procedural programming and, 14
projects turning into design disasters, 3
Suraski, Zeev, 5, 11, 13
taking a design-oriented approach to
projects, 14
Unicode string handling, 14
Zend Engine (ZE3), 12, 14
Zend Engine 2, 5, 453
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