PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

writeParams(), 100, 103
See also object-oriented design
process(), 184, 219, 259, 333
ProcessRequest class, 180, 183
project element, table of attributes, 409
promptChar attribute, 424
access property variables, 18
accessing methods and properties in the
context of a class, 41
accessing properties using inheritance, 33
assigning values to, 18
defining constant properties within a class,
definition of, 17
documenting in phpDocumentor, 353
get_class_vars(), 85
setting dynamically, 18
setting to private or protected, 36
static properties, 43
var keyword, 17, 35

propertyName attribute, 424
protected keyword, 17
Prototype pattern
Civilization-style game, code listing, 163
composition and, 164
public keyword, 17
publishers element, 446, 449
push(), 476

config-show command, 325
creating and hosting channels, 342
downloading the phar package, 324
hosting a channel with a third-party
provider, 342
installing, 324
Log package, installing, 326
managing packages, 344
PEAR2_SimpleChannelFrontend, managing
a channel, 343
PEAR2_SimpleChannelServer, defining a
channel, 342
required and optional dependencies,
installing, 327
using Pyrus channel management to serve
PEAR packages, 342

■ Q
Question classes, code listing, 200

■ R
RapidSVN, 362
read(), 102
Reader interface, code listing, 473
readParams(), 100, 103
recommended element, 339
recruit(), 148
recursive descent parser, 124
refactoring, 5
Reflection API
argData(), 93
array_slice(), 91
classData(), 90
definition of, 87
examining a class, 90
examining a method, 91
examining method arguments, 93
execute(), 95
export(), 88
file(), 91
getClass(), 93, 96
getClassSource(), 91
getEndLine(), 91, 93
getFileName(), 91, 93
getMethod(), 91, 93
getMethods(), 91, 96
getName(), 90, 93
getParameters(), 93
getStartLine(), 91, 93
handleMethod(), 96
init(), 95, 97
invoke(), 96
isAbstract(), 90
isInstantiable(), 90
isPassedByReference(), 94
isSubclassOf(), 95
isUserDefined(), 90
methodData(), 92
Module interface, code listing, 94
ModuleRunner class, 95
newInstance(), 96
partial table of classes, 87
Reflection class, 88
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