PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


ReflectionClass class, 88, 90–91, 95
ReflectionExtension class, 87
ReflectionFunction class, 87
ReflectionMethod class, 91, 93
ReflectionParameter class, 93
ReflectionUtil class, 91
returnsReference(), 92
setPerson(), 95
uses for, 87
using, 94
registerCallback(), 67, 68

RegistrationMgr class, 140
Registry class, 218, 278
Registry pattern, 222
application scope, 229
ApplicationHelper class, 225
ApplicationRegistry class, code listing, 232
getRequest(), 227
Hunt, David, 226
implementing, 226
implementing Registry classes for different
scopes, 229
instance(), 228
managing serialization, 234
MemApplicationRegistry class, code listing,
overview of, 225
Registry class, code listing, 226
registry, definition of, 226
RequestRegistry class, code listing, 230
scope, definition of, 229
session_start(), 232
SessionRegistry class, code listing, 231
sleep(), 234
Thomas, David, 226
using Registry objects as factories and in
testing, 228
variables as having session scope, 229
wakeup(), 234
regression testing, definition of, 394
relative namespaces, 74
release element, 336
remove command, 372–373
removeUnit(), 173, 176
replace(), 193

replacetokens element, 420
ReplaceTokens filter, 420

Request class, 259
code listing, 242
RequestRegistry class, 259, 396
code listing, 230
require_once(), 76, 82
require(), 76, 79, 82
required element, 339
resolve command, 370
@return tag, 355
return type hinting, 453
returnsReference(), 92
returnValue(), 391
reusability, promoting, 455
Rice, David, 291
rule of three, 127
run(), 237, 395
runCommand(), 397
Runner.php, 394

■ S
sale(), 67
scan(), 476–478
Scanner class, code listing, 467
ScannerState class, 472
application scope, 229
definition of, 17, 229
implementing Registry classes for different
scopes, 229
three levels of, 229
@see tag, 356
selectAllStmt(), 286
Selection Factory pattern
buildWhere(), 310
getComps(), 310
illustration of, 308
implementing, 307
newSelection(), 310
SelectionFactory class, code listing, 310
selectStmt(), 279, 286
description of, 398
exporting a test as a PHPUnit class, 402
online documentation for, 403
Selenium IDE and Selenium RC,
downloading and installing, 398
Selenium IDE control panel, 399
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