PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

testing to verify text on a web page, 400

self keyword, 42, 49
sequence diagrams, 117
SequenceParse class, code listing, 477
session_start(), 232
SessionRegistry class, 231, 234
__set(), 59
set_include_path(), 79
setDepth(), 211
setExpectedException(), 385
setHandler(), 476, 485

setpass target, 424
setPerson(), 95
setSpaces(), 285, 287
setState(), 472, 478
setUp(), 382–383, 388
setValue(), 194
ShopProduct class
getInstance(), 43
products table, defining, 43
ShopProductWriter class

redefining, 45
write(), 45
SimpleXML, 24, 249
simplexml_load_file(), 52
Singleton pattern, 225
comparing to global variables, 152
dependencies created by, 152
deploying sparingly, 152
mediating object instantiation, 150
overview of, 149
Preferences class, code listing, 150
Preferences object, instantiating, 151
summary of, 152
__sleep(), 234
Smarty, 235
snapshot branches, 365, 348
SpaceMapper class, 291
SplObjectStorage class, code listing, 208

SpreadSheet class, 50
SQLite, 404
srclib fileset element, 422
ssh-agent, 364
ssh-keygen, 364
stability element, 336
Stahnke, Michael, 364

Standard PHP Library (SPL), 208
static factory method, 49
static keyword, 41, 50
static methods, 102
accessing static properties, 42
definition of, 42
static properties, availability of, 43
status command, 369
status element, 249
statuses(), 255
stereotypes, 111
Strategy pattern, 135
defining subclasses, 198
implementing, 199
mark(), 199
Marker objects, code listing, 200
MarkLogicMarker class, 202
overview of, 198
Question classes, code listing, 200
reducing subclassing and increasing
flexibility, 199
repeating an algorithm across siblings in an
inheritance tree, 199
StringReader class, code listing, 473
casting an object to a string, 16
__toString(), 16
StripPhpComments task, 419
StructureRequest class, 180
stubs, 224, 389
Subversion, 7, 430
accessing a project within the repository,
accessing the repository from a remote
machine using SSH, 364
acquiring a snapshot, 374
add command, 371–372
adding a project to the repository, 364
allowing users full access to the repository,
beginning a project, 364
benefits of, 319
Berkeley DB, 363
branches, 365, 459
checking out a project from the repository
after importing it, 367
checking out versions of the codebase based
on a date or a label, 362
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