PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


sequence diagrams, 117
stereotypes, 111
use relationships, describing, 115
using notes for clarification, 116
visibility symbols in UML, table of, 112
See also object-oriented design
Unit class, 170, 210
Unit of Work pattern
addClean(), 293
addDirty(), 293
addNew(), 293, 295
collection(), 294
defining objects as dirty, 293
Domain class, 294
DomainObject class, code listing, 293
finder(), 294
getCollection(), 294
getFinder(), 294
implementing, 292
Mapper class, 295
markClean(), 295
markDirty(), 295
marking a dirty object as clean, 293
markNew(), 294
ObjectWatcher class, code listing, 292
performOperations(), 293
Rice, David, 291
saving only those objects that need saving,
testing for modified objects, 296
unit tests
definition of, 379
goals of, 380
$units property, 171, 173
unless attribute, 412–413

unqualified name, 73
__unset(), 60
update command, 368
Update Factory pattern
buildStatement(), 309
illustration of, 308
implementing, 307
newUpdate(), 309–310
UpdateFactory class, code listing, 308
update(), 205, 279

uri element, 335, 339
use clause, 69

use keyword, 74
use relationships, 115
User class, code listing, 392
user element, 335
usermod command, 363
UserStore class, code listing, 380, 391
UserStoreTest class, 382
@uses tag, 358
usessl element, 447

■ V
ValidateTest class, code listing, 385
validateUser(), 381, 385, 393, 446
Validator class, code listing, 381
var keyword, 17, 35
@var tag, 353
var_dump(), 16, 89
variable(), 485
VariableExpression class, code listing, 193
VariableHandler class, 485
Venue class, code listing, 271, 284
VenueCollection class, 282
VenueManager class, code listing, 267
VenueMapper class, code listing, 278
VenueObjectFactory class, 299
venues.php, 261
version control
benefits of, 459
checking out versions of the codebase based
on a date or a label, 362
coordinating the codebase through a
central repository, 361
Git, 362
maintaining parallel strands of project
development, 362
Mercurial, 362
Subversion, 319
using on a multi-developer project, 319
See also Subversion
view, definition of, 235
view element, 248
View Helper pattern
advantages and disadvantages of, 264
allowing views to manage presentation
only, 262
overview of, 262
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