PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1

using the View Helper class and the Request
object, code listing, 263
view layer, 222
visibility keywords, 36
definition of, 17
using in a method declaration, 19

visibility symbols and UML, 112
visit(), 212
visitArmy(), 213
Visitor pattern
class diagram, 215
implementing, 211
overview of, 210
summary of, 215
Vlissides, John, 125

■ W
__wakeup(), 234
WebDav protocol, 364
wget command, 327

DokuWiki, 460
Foswiki, 460
PhpWiki, 460

will(), 390
with(), 390
Woo system, description of, 224
write(), 102
writeParams(), 100, 103
wrong element, 448

■ X
Xdebug, 432
Xinc, 436
XML Log File link, 449
XML_Feed_Parser package, 332
XmlException class, 55
xUnit, 7, 382

■ Z
Zend Engine (ZE3), 12, 14
Zend Engine 2, 5, 453
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