Show the date
You might want to know when a
Stickies note was created and you can
always save the date and time in a note,
but there is no need. All you need to do
is let the mouse hover over the bar at the
top and the creation and last modified
dates and times are shown.
Style the text
It is faster to use keyboard shortcuts
than the Fonts menu to apply styles to
text in your notes. Ctrl+B, I and U apply
bold, italic and underline to selected text.
Press Cmd and ‘+’ or ‘–’ to make text
bigger or smaller. Press Cmd+T to open
the Fonts panel.
Top 10 favourite Stickies features
tickies is the forgotten app in macOS –
when you want to make notes, the Notes
app is the obvious choice. However,
Stickies has its uses as well and the main
advantage is visibility. Stickies are stuck to the
desktop like those yellow sticky notes that can be
stuck to your computer, desk, fridge and other
places. They are impossible to ignore or miss,
especially if the app is set to start automatically
when you log into your Mac.
Some of the features are not obvious and
in many ways Stickies notes are the equal of
Notes notes. However, they are stored on the
Mac instead of on iCloud. Stickies can easily be
converted to Notes and there are sharing and
export functions, links to your iPhone and more.
Stickies is a useful alternative to Notes. Get more from the Catalina version
Noteworthy Stickies features
Get to know the Stickies app for note-taking
Save your Stickies
There is no Save menu option in
Stickies and simply quitting the app
saves all the notes to disk. Start Stickies
and it continues exactly as it was before
with all the notes. Add it to System
Preferences>Users and Groups>Login
Items to show your notes when the Mac
starts. You can export Stickies to Notes
on the File menu.
Knowledge base
Top bar
Hover the mouse over
the middle of the bar
to see creation/last
modified dates. Click
the left button to close,
right to maximise or
minimise the note.
If you have an
iPhone, iPad or
scanner, Ctrl+click
in the note and use
these menu options
to insert a photo,
scan a document or
create a sketch. Use
the device to create it
and insert it.
Share Stickies notes
Ctrl+click a Stickies note and use
the Share menu to send it using
Mail or Messages to someone
else. Use it to share lists, content
for projects, text and more with
work colleagues or friends.
Use Markup
Ctrl+click a note and insert a photo
using your iPhone, then click the button
in the top-right corner to use Markup.
The photo opens in a window with a
markup toolbar like in the Preview app.
alwayssavethedateandtimein a note,
butthereis noneed.Allyouneedtodo
is letthemousehoveroverthebarat the
It is fastertousekeyboardshortcuts
textin yournotes.Ctrl+B,I andU apply
Top 10 favourite Stickies features
tickies is the forgotten app in macOS –
when you want to make notes, the Notes
app is the obvious choice. However,
Stickies has its uses as well and the main
advantage is visibility. Stickies are stuck to the
desktop like those yellow sticky notes that can be
stuck to your computer, desk, fridge and other
places. They are impossible to ignore or miss,
especially if the app is set to start automatically
when you log into your Mac.
Some of the features are not obvious and
in many ways Stickies notes are the equal of
Notes notes. However, they are stored on the
Mac instead of on iCloud. Stickies can easily be
converted to Notes and there are sharing and
export functions, links to your iPhone and more.
Stickies is a useful alternative to Notes. Get more from the Catalina version
Noteworthy Stickies features
Get to know the Stickies app for note-taking
Save your Stickies
There is no Save menu option in
Stickies and simply quitting the app
saves all the notes to disk. Start Stickies
and it continues exactly as it was before
with all the notes. Add it to System
Preferences>Users and Groups>Login
Items to show your notes when the Mac
starts. You can export Stickies to Notes
on the File menu.
Knowledge base
Top bar
Hover the mouse over
the middle of the bar
to see creation/last
modified dates. Click
the left button to close,
right to maximise or
minimise the note.
If you have an
iPhone, iPad or
scanner, Ctrl+click
in the note and use
these menu options
to insert a photo,
scan a document or
create a sketch. Use
the device to create it
and insert it.
Share Stickies notes
Ctrl+click a Stickies note and use
the Share menu to send it using
Mail or Messages to someone
else. Use it to share lists, content
for projects, text and more with
work colleagues or friends.
Use Markup
Ctrl+click a note and insert a photo
using your iPhone, then click the button
in the top-right corner to use Markup.
The photo opens in a window with a
markup toolbar like in the Preview app.