Text can be animated by the whole object, word by word or character by
character. Select the effect in the sidebar when adding the animation.
Some animations may appear
automatically when the Keynote slide
is displayed, like objects flying onto the
screen, and these are Build In animations.
When you move on to the next slide, those
objects can spin, slide or fly off using Build
Out animations. In between, a slide may
be static or objects can be animated when
the mouse is clicked. A common use for
this is to animate a bullet list and show
each bullet point separately with a
mouse click.
bullet points
Animate bullets
Create a slide that contains a list of bullet
points. Select Animate>Build in and choose
an effect like Move In. Down at the bottom is
Delivery. Set this to ‘By Bullet’.
Set the start
Click ‘Build Order’ to open a panel with
the bullet points. At the bottom is Start. Select
‘On Click’. Click ‘Play’ in Keynote’s toolbar and
click the mouse to reveal each bullet.
Step-by-step Animate objects on Keynote slides
Select an object
What would you like to animate? Click the
object on the slide to select it. Click Animate in
the top-right corner, select ‘Build In’, and then
click ‘Add an Effect’ to begin.
Add actions
We added a Build In animation, which is
performed when a slide first appears. Select
the Action tab to add an animation to an object
after Build In effects have finished.
Preview effects
A list of animation effects appears and
items are organised into sections. Let the
mouse hover over an effect and click ‘Preview’
on the right to see the animation effect.
Build Out animations
Select the Build Out tab in the sidebar,
select an object and then select an effect.
Build Out animations occur just before moving
to the next slide. Choose a fun effect.
Configure the animation
It depends on the animation and there
can be anywhere from one to half a dozen
settings to customise it. Set each of them, like
the time, direction and other attributes.
Set the order
Animations occur in the order in which
they are added, but this can be changed.
Select an object with an animation and select
the order in which it occurs in the sidebar.
Text can be animated by the whole object, word by word or character by
character. Select the effect in the sidebar when adding the animation.
is displayed,likeobjectsflyingontothe
screen,andtheseareBuildIn animations.
Outanimations.In between,a slidemay
themouseis clicked.A commonusefor
thisis toanimatea bulletlistandshow
bullet points
Animate bullets
Create a slide that contains a list of bullet
points. Select Animate>Build in and choose
an effect like Move In. Down at the bottom is
Delivery. Set this to ‘By Bullet’.
Set the start
Click ‘Build Order’ to open a panel with
the bullet points. At the bottom is Start. Select
‘On Click’. Click ‘Play’ in Keynote’s toolbar and
click the mouse to reveal each bullet.
Step-by-step Animate objects on Keynote slides
Select an object
What would you like to animate? Click the
object on the slide to select it. Click Animate in
the top-right corner, select ‘Build In’, and then
click ‘Add an Effect’ to begin.
Add actions
We added a Build In animation, which is
performed when a slide first appears. Select
the Action tab to add an animation to an object
after Build In effects have finished.
Preview effects
A list of animation effects appears and
items are organised into sections. Let the
mouse hover over an effect and click ‘Preview’
on the right to see the animation effect.
Build Out animations
Select the Build Out tab in the sidebar,
select an object and then select an effect.
Build Out animations occur just before moving
to the next slide. Choose a fun effect.
Configure the animation
It depends on the animation and there
can be anywhere from one to half a dozen
settings to customise it. Set each of them, like
the time, direction and other attributes.
Set the order
Animations occur in the order in which
they are added, but this can be changed.
Select an object with an animation and select
the order in which it occurs in the sidebar.