Judith Lewis Herman - Trauma és gyogyulas

(BlackTrush) #1

41 Gibbs, „Factors in the Victim"
42 A H Green, ..Dimensions of Psychological Trauma in Abused Children", Journal of the
American Assoaation of Child Psychiatry 22 (1983): 231 - 237.
43 B. A van der Kolk, „The Trauma Spectrum: The lnteraction of Biological and
Jegyzetek 301
Social Events in the Genesis of the Trauma Response", Journal of Traumáin. Siress I
(1988): 273-290; Kulka et al., NVVRS.

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    W. Burgess (New York: Garland, 1988), 221 - 244

  2. D. E. H. Russell, Sexual Exploitation (Bcvcrly Hills, CA: Sage, 1984).

  3. B. L. Green, J. P. Wilson és J D. Lindy, „Conceptualmng Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A
    Psychosocial Framework", in Figley, Trauma and lts Wake.

  4. R. B. Flannery, „Social Support and Psychological Trauma: A Mcthodological Review", Journal
    of Traumatic Stress 3 (1990): 593 - 611

  5. Interjú, H. Spiegel, 1990. május 14.

  6. Russell, Sexual Exploitation.

  7. New York Radical Feminist Speakout on Rape, 1971., idézi S. Brownmiller, Against
    Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1975), 364.

  8. Burgess és Holmstrom, „Adaptive Strategies"

  9. D. G. Kilpatrick, L J. Veronen és C. L. Best, „Factors Predicting Psychological
    Distress Among Rape Victims", in Figley, Trauma and lts Wake.

  10. Norman, These Good Men, 5.

  11. Card, Z.iver Afler Vietnam.

  12. Kulka et al., NVVRS.

  13. J. S. Frye és R A. Stockton, „Stress Disorder in Vietnam Veterans", American Journal of
    Psychialry 139 (1982): 52 - 56.

  14. T. M. Keane, S. W. Owen, G. A. Charoya et al., „Social Support in Vietnam Veterans with
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    Combat Veterans", Journal of Contemporary Psychoiherapy 41 (1983): 114 - 121.

  16. T. S. Foley, „Family Response to Rape and Sexual Assault", in Rape and Sexual Assault: A
    Research Handbook, szerk. A. Burgess, 159-188; C. Enckson. „Rape and the
    Family", in Trealing Stress in Famities, szerk. C. Figley (New York: Brunner/Ma2el, 1990),
    257 - 289.

  17. Idézi „Ifi can survive this ..." (Cambridge, MA, Boston Arca Rape Crisis Center,
    1985). Videofelvétel

  18. C. C. Nadelson, M. T. Norman, H. Zackson et al., „A Follow-up Study of Rape Victims",
    American Journal of Psychialry 139 (1982): 1266-1270, J. V. Beeker, L. I Skinner, G. G. Abel et
    al., „Time-Limited Therapy with Sexually Dyslimciional Scxualiy Assaulted Women", Journal of
    Social Work and Humán SexualUy 3 (1984). 97 - 115

  19. Idézi Warshaw, / Never Called ll Rape, 76. 63 O'Brien, The Things They Carried, 163.

  20. Grinker és Spiegel, Men Under Stress; A. Schuetz, „The 1 lomecomer", Ámerit Journal
    ofSociology 50 (1944-1945): 369-376; Lifton. Home from the War, C Figley S. Levantman, szerk.,
    Strangers al Home: Vietnam Veterans Since the War (New York
    Praeger, 1980).

  21. M. P. Koss, „Hidden Rape: Sexual Aggrcssion and Victimization in a National Sample of
    Students of Higher Education", in Rape and Sexual Assault, vol. 2, saetk

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