The Spartan Regime_ Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy - Paul Anthony Rahe

(Dana P.) #1

Achaea in the Peloponnesus, Achaeans, xviii,
68, 116
Achaeans, Danaans, Argives of the Myce-
naean period, 11, 20, 42, 66–71, 75–82,
108, 111, 116, 118–19, 151, 165, 175–77,
182, 189
Acharnae, deme in Attica, 153
Adrastus, legendary son of Talaus, 21
Aegean Sea, 78, 90, 100
Aegina in the Saronic Gulf, Aeginetans, 85,
110, 186
Aeschines, last Orthagorid tyrant of Sicyon,
117, 188
Aeschylus son of Euphorion, tragedian, 164
Aesop, author of The Fables, 31
Agesilaus son of Archidamus (II), fourth-
century Eurypontid king, 34, 137, 157,
162, 166, 171
Agios Vasileios (near Xirokambi), Mycenaean
palace at, 75, 107–8
Agis (II) son of Archidamus (II), fifth-century
Eurypontid king of Sparta, 50
Agis (IV) son of Eudamidas (II), third-
century Eurypontid king, 134–35
Aigys region within northern Taygetus,
74–75, 175
Akobos on western slopes of Taygetus, 109
Akritas, Cape, in southwestern Messenia, 75,
107, 110, 113
Alcaeus of Mytilene, lyric poet, 37, 87, 125,
163, 179
Alcidamas of Elaea, sophist, 63
Alcman of Sparta, lyric poet, xv, 11, 14, 121,
125, 127, 144, 150, 154, 157, 174, 189

Alexander the Great, 129
Alpheios River along border of Arcadia and
Sparta’s domain, 116, 188
Ambracia near the Ionian Sea, Ambraciots,
Ammianus Marcellinus, xiii
Ampheia in northeastern Messenia, 107, 109,
111, 113, 186
Anaxandridas (II), sixth-century Agiad king,
44, 70, 106, 115, 117–19, 166, 188–89
Anaxandros son of Eurykrates, seventh-
century Agiad king, 70, 113, 187
Andania at mouth of Soulima valley in
Messenia, xviii, 94, 107, 112
Androtion son of Andron, Atthidographer,
113, 152, 187
Antiochus of Syracuse, historian, 79, 175–76
Apollo, 14, 17, 72, 74, 90, 93, 115, 154,
174–75, 182
Aratus son of Clinias, statesman and
historian, 135
Arcadia in the Central Peloponnesus,
Arcadians, xviii, 42, 68, 75, 77, 90, 94–96,
105–16, 119, 123, 132–33, 154, 161, 165,
179, 182, 186, 188
Arcadian League, 111
Archelaus, eight-century Agiad king, 70, 100
Archidamus (II) son of Zeuxidamus,
fifth-century Eurypontid king, 51, 53, 70,
170–71, 173, 192
Archilochus of Paros and Thasos, lyric poet,
87, 179–80
Ardys son of Gyges, seventh-century king of
Lydia, 95, 182

Index of Persons and Places
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