The Spartan Regime_ Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy - Paul Anthony Rahe

(Dana P.) #1

206 Index of Persons and Places

Argos, Argives, xviii, 11, 33, 42, 68, 75, 93–96,
101–6, 110–19, 123, 134, 151–52, 159,
Argolid (Argeia, Argive plain), 68–69,
74, 90, 110, 179, 186
hegemony within the Peloponnesus
early on, 110, 186
Aristagoras of Miletus, 106, 110, 186
Aristocrates, seventh-century king of
Arcadian Orchomenos, 94, 112, 182
Aristomenes of Messenia, 94–95, 112, 182–83
Ariston, sixth-century Eurypontid king, 70,
115, 160, 188
Aristotle son of Nicomachus, philosopher,
xiii–xv, 1, 4–6, 11, 14, 31, 38–41, 46–62,
72–73, 79, 84, 88–92, 98–102, 110, 117,
125–35, 145–50, 160–61, 164–65, 167,
170–72, 179–81, 183, 190–91
Lyceum founded by, 4, 91
peripatetics (Aristotle and followers),
4–6, 31, 55, 57, 60, 62–63, 99–100,
Polıteía of the Athenians, 91, 127
Polıteía of the Lacedaemonians, 4, 6,
49, 62, 72, 98–99, 127–28, 135,
148, 150, 154–56, 162, 168–69,
172, 174–75, 184, 188, 191
The Politics, xiii–xv, 4, 36, 46, 98–99,
125–27, 130–35, 150, 158–59,
162–65, 172, 180, 183, 186, 188, 191
The Rhetoric, 55–60, 63
Artemis Limnatis, sanctuary on western
slopes of Taygetus, 74–75, 107–9, 175
Artemis Orthia, sanctuary at Sparta of, 18–19,
74, 83, 154–55, 175, 177–78
Asia Minor (Anatolia), 66, 78, 106, 111, 172,
Asine in Messenia near Cape Akritas, 75, 113,
Asine in the Argolid, 75, 90, 110, 186
Assyria, Assyrians, 80, 87, 91, 177
Athens, Athenians, xi–xii, xvi, xviii, 1–4, 7,
29, 31–32, 34–35, 38, 42, 46, 60, 65, 68,
72–73, 91, 100–101, 103, 118, 126–27,
132–34, 144–45, 147–49, 152, 157,
161–62, 164–65, 167–68, 171, 179, 181,
184–85, 187
Atreus son of Pelops, legendary king of
Mycenae, 116
Aulon in Messenia, 107, 113
Australia, 26

Babylon, Babylonians, 80, 163
Belminatis region north-northwest of
Laconia, 74–75, 109

Boeotia in Central Greece, Boeotians, xviii,
66, 89, 92
Boreas, the north wind, 21
Burke, Edmund, 39, 164
Byzantium on the Bosporus, Byzantines, 187

Callicratidas the navarch, móthax (half-
breed), 132
Callinus of Ephesus, lyric poet, 87, 179
Canaan, land of, 17
Caryae on border of Laconia and Arcadia,
107, 116
Castor, legendary son of Tyndareus, 77
Cephisus river, 69
Chaeronea in Boeotia, Chaeroneans, 4
Chalcis on Euboea, Chalcidians, xviii, 89–90,
Hıppobótaı (Horse-Breeders) ruling
order at, 89, 179
Charillos, eighth-century Eurypontid king,
70, 74, 89, 98, 100–101, 105, 183–84
seeks tyrannical power, 62, 101
Charondas of Catania, lawgiver, 62
Chilon the Spartan ephor, 117–22, 188–89
Mēdèn ágan (Nothing too much), 117,
120, 189
Chios off the Anatolian coast, Chians, 114,
175, 188
Churchill, Winston, 2
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, xiii, 4–5, 48, 147
Cimon son of Miltiades, 40, 164
Cinyras, king of Cyprus, 21
Cleomenes (I) son of Anaxandridas, late
sixth-century, early fifth-century Agiad
king, 44, 50, 53, 70, 106, 110, 118–19,
160, 166, 170–71, 189
Cleomenes (III) son of Leonidas (II),
third-century Agiad king, 134–35
Cleomenes son of Pausanias, regent for
Pausanias son Pleistoanax, 171
Cleonae in the Peloponnesus, Cleonaeans,
Conon the mythographer, 79, 175–76
Corinth, Corinthians, xvi, xviii, 12, 38, 69, 71,
101, 103, 117, 122, 133, 152, 182–85, 188
Bacchiad aristocracy, 101, 184
Corinthiad, 33
Isthmus, 67–68, 173
Corinthian Gulf, 67–69, 71
Corneille, Pierre, 15
Crete, Cretans, 16, 67, 78–79, 101, 126, 149,
153, 159, 176, 184
Critias son of Callaeschrus, 2–3, 5, 146, 155,
157, 190
Croesus son of Alyattes, king of Lydia, 115
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