The Spartan Regime_ Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy - Paul Anthony Rahe

(Dana P.) #1

Polıteía 63

pears to have argued that the honors that Lycurgus received at Sparta, where

he was revered, were nonetheless inferior to those that Lacedaemon’s lawgiver

deserved. In his Rhetoric, the peripatetic singled out as an exemplary rhetorical

theme Alcidamas’ claim that “the Lacedaemonians flourished [eudaımónēsan]

as long as they employed the laws of Lycurgus.”^72

To understand fully the logic underpinning the remarkable regime that

Lycurgus is said to have founded and to grasp the implications of that logic for

the articulation of a grand strategy for Sparta, we will have to consider the

genesis of Lacedaemon. Then, we will have to examine her evolution early on

as a political community.

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