Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain_ Environment, Identity, and Empire in Qing China\'s Borderlands

(Ann) #1

Usihun River to occupy new outposts to the northeast at the Sungari-Hūrha
confluence; NFY KX 2 – 1676 : 70.
97 NFY, KX 2 - 1676 : 276 – 77.
98 NFY, KX 1 - 1676 : 143 – 48.
99 Glebov,“Siberian Middle Ground,” 136 – 37.
100 Scott,Seeing Like a State, 2 – 3.
101 NFY, KX 2 – 1676 : 188 – 89.
102 For examples, seeXi-bozu dang’an,KX 33 / 2 / 12 ,KX 37 / 5 / 9 , 1 : 43 – 44 , 68 ;
Zhou Xifeng,Qingchao qianqi Heilongjiang, 100 – 102.
103 NFY, KX 2 - 1676 : 197 – 99 ;KX 4 - 1678 : 174 – 76.
104 NFY, KX 4 - 1678 : 251 – 53.
105 NFY, KX 4 - 1678 : 251 – 53.
106 An account of Ningguta in the 1680 s noted that“ginseng and marten pelts
were originally produced from the deepest and furthest regions”of a nearby
mountain, but had become completely exhausted; Wu Zhenchen,Ningguta
jilüe, 731 : 607 b.
107 Russia’s Conquest of Siberia,# 117 , 450.
108 Lantzeff and Pierce,Eastward to Empire; 173 – 80 ; Sun Xi and Zhang Wei-
hua,Qing qianqi Zhong-E guanxi, 60 – 115. For a study of the Nerchinsk
negotiations see Sebes,The Jesuits and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk.
109 HJY, KX 1 - 1684 : 41 – 53 , 140 ,KX 2 - 1686 : 69 – 71.
110 Huke shishu, 241 :KX 24. 10. 23 ; HYJ, KX 1 - 1684 : 41 – 53 ,KX 1 -
1685 : 133 – 37 ;Baqi tongzhi, 1 : 38. For Cossack identity, see Witzenrath,
Cossacks and the Russian Empire, 34 – 36.
111 QSL,KX 24 / 10 / 2 , 5 : 294 a;Xi-bozu dang’an,KX 30 / 7 / 3 , 1 : 28. There is also
evidence that, by the mid-Qianlong period, some demobilized Dagur and
Solon-Ewenki were being pensioned off at half rations to hunt sable in places
like Hulun Buir;QSL,QL 25 / 4 / 216 : 855 a.
112 MWLF, QL 8 / 6 / 22 [ 03 - 0174 - 1514 - 003 ], QL 8 / 8 / 18 [ 03 - 0174 - 1514 - 004 ];
Qingdai E-lun-chun zu Man Han wen dang’an,# 28 , 539.
113 HJY, KX 1 - 1690 : 19 – 20 ,KX 2 - 1688 : 306 , 397 – 98 ,KX 1 - 1688 : 180 – 83 ;
MWLF, YZ 13 / 1 / 28 [ 03 - 0174 - 1511 - 003 ].
114 Xi-bozu dang’an, 1 : 36. One Manchu document suggests that poverty deter-
mined whether or not personnel in bondservant banner companies could
move to Beijing or would stay behind in Shengjing when the capital was
shifted; Tong Yonggong,“ShengjingNeiwufude sheli,” 205.
115 Qingdai Neige daku sanyi dang’an, 1 : 19. 327 – 28 ; Hei-tu dang, KX
7 : 14. 22 – 23 , 17 : 30. 41 – 44 ; Shengjing shenwu dang’an,KX 30. 9. 18 , 62.
There were 361 fox and 8. 5 pheasant hunters in 1661 ;Huidian shili(JQ),
700 : 7 , 935 – 37. Manpower numbers varied, mainly due to population
increase and mortality. Fractional headcountfigures may reflect discounted
tribute obligation.
116 For example,fifty-seven Beijing personnel joinedfifty-five others from a
manor to collect honey in 1648 ;in 1650 , 282 ginseng gatherers also arrived
from Beijing;Manzu lishi dang’an,# 28 , 106 ,# 50 , 117.
117 Huidian(YZ), 788 : 14 , 919 , 14 , 871 ;Da Qing huidian shili(QL) (Shanghai,
2003 ), 625 : 311 a;Qingdai Neige daku sanyi dang’an, 1 : 19. 327. One or more

112 Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain
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