Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain_ Environment, Identity, and Empire in Qing China\'s Borderlands

(Ann) #1

of several mussel species native to the SAH basin,Unio mongolicusas well as
Unio (or possiblyMargaritifera)dahuricus, were the most likely pearl
118 Da-sheng Wu-la zhidian quanshu, 85 ;Huidian(KX), 727 : 6594 – 95. Butha
Ula’s population probably had a total of 399 foragers in 1685 , including
fifty-seven sturgeonfishermen, one hundred honey gatherers, andfifty“new
men”whose duties are not enumerated. This coincides almost exactly with
thefigure of four hundred said to be operating prior to 1664 , but contrasts
starkly with thefigure of 1 , 871 cited in a 1670 document on a regional
grain supply shortfall, which also mentions 954 foragers in 1651 ;Da-sheng
Wu-la zhidian quanshu, 43 , 85 ; Hei-tu dang, KX 8 : 19. 63 – 65. There is a
further estimate of 3 , 993 foragers active in 1791 , with 3 , 347 gathering
pearls and the remaining 646 catching fish; Da-sheng Wu-la zhidian
quanshu, 43.
119 Qingdai Neige daku sanyi dang’an, 1 : 19. 327 , 331 ;Huidian(KX), 727 : 6595.
120 Hei-tu dang, KX 8 : 16. 56 – 58 , 17 : 30. 41 – 42 , 21 : 21. 20 – 24 , 22 : 16. 12 – 14.
121 Yang Bin,Liubian jilüe, 3 : 6 b;Shengjing shenwu dang’an,KX 23. 11. 20 , 30 ,
KX 24. 3. 10 , 31 ,KX 33. 7. 17 , 62 ; Tong Yonggong,“Qingdai Shengjing
shenwu,” 260. On permits, seeShengjing shenwu dang’an,KX 11. 6. 28
p. 6 ,KX 18. 6. 8 , 13 ;Huidian shili(GX), 3 : 727 a–b; Symons,Ch’ing Ginseng
Management, 42 ; Cong Peiyuan,Dongbei sanbao, 75 , 85.
122 Symons,Ch’ing Ginseng Management, 11 – 12 ; Cong Peiyuan,Dongbei san-
bao, 65 , 72 ;Huidian shili(JQ), 700 : 7943 ;Huidian shili(QL), 624 : 100 b;
Huidian shili(GX), 726 b– 727 a.
123 Hei-tu dang, KX 7 : 35. 91 , 11 : 14. 22 – 24. Dogs were used for otter, sable, and
tiger hunting; Hei-tu dang, KX 11 : 14. 22 – 24 , Yang Bin,Liubian jilüe, 3 : 3. 8 a;
Gao Shiqi,Hucong dongxun riji, 106. Fang Shiji,Longsha jilüe, 8 : 4173.
Shengjing’s game hunters, who mostly pursued deer and wild boar, were
literally known as“people who set dogs on game”(Ma:niyahašara urse);
Hei-tu dang, KX 13 : 18. 18.
124 See, for example, a 1649 Butha Ula casualty list;Manzu lishi dang’an,# 39 ,
112. Banner detachments sent on elite foraging operations may have been
more uniformly Manchu, if the apparently Manchu names of nineteen pine
nut gathering troopers from the two yellow banners who were rewarded for
their tree-climbing abilities are representative;ibid.,# 10 , 98.
125 Qingdai Neige daku sanyi dang’an, 1 : 286 , 311 – 18.
126 Qingdai Neige daku sanyi dang’an, 1 : 283 – 84. The composition of the Butha
Ula military garrison in the late eighteenth century was 85 percent Manchu
troops, 11 percent Bargut, and 4 percent Hanjun; (Qingding)Baqi tongzhi,
2 : 612 – 13 .“Old”and“New”Bargut, Mongol subgroups, were driven into
Manchuria in successive waves by Russian expansion from around the 1680 s
into the 1730 s. The Qing incorporated them into the banner system and
relocated some of them; Janhunen,Manchuria: An Ethnic History, 120 – 21 ;
Zhou Xifeng,Qingchao qianqi Heilongjiang, 93 – 94.
127 Shengjing shenwu dang’an,KX 51. 3. 27 , 105. Manchu also makes some
nuanced, if not entirely consistent distinctions between northeastern peoples
with banner oraimanaffiliations, who are usually called“niyalma”and Han

The Nature of Imperial Foraging in the SAH Basin 113
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