Much later, in his autobiography,
Darwin recalled his reaction when
he first read Malthus back in 1838.
“Being well prepared to appreciate
the struggle for existence...it
at once struck me that under
these circumstances favourable
variations would tend to be
preserved, and unfavourable ones
to be destroyed. The result of this
would be the formation of new
species...I had at last got a theory
by which to work.”
Knowing more about the role of
variation, by 1856 Darwin the pigeon
breeder could imagine not humans
but nature doing the choosing. From
the term “artificial selection” he
derived “natural selection.”
Jolt into action
On June 18, 1858, Darwin received
a short essay by a young British
naturalist named Alfred Russel
Wallace. Wallace described a
flash of insight in which he had
suddenly understood how evolution
occurred, and asked Darwin for
his opinion. Darwin was startled
to read that Wallace’s insight
replicated almost exactly the same
ideas he himself had been working
on for more than 20 years.
Worried about precedence, Darwin
consulted Charles Lyell. They
agreed to a joint presentation of
Darwin’s and Wallace’s papers at
the Linnaean Society in London on
July 1, 1858. Neither author would
attend in person. The audience’s
response was polite, with no outcry
about blasphemy. Encouraged,
Darwin now finished his book.
Published on November 24, 1859,
On the Origin of Species sold out
on its first day.
Darwin’s theory
Darwin states that species are not
immutable. They change, or evolve,
and the main mechanism for this
change is natural selection. The
process relies on two factors.
First, more offspring are born than
can survive when faced with the
challenges of climate, food supply,
competition, predators, and
diseases; this leads to a struggle
for existence. Second, there is
variation, sometimes tiny but
nonetheless present, among the
offspring within a species. For
evolution, these variations must
fulfill two criteria. One: they should
have some effect on the struggle
to survive and breed, that is, they
should help to confer reproductive
success. Two: they should be
inherited, or passed to offspring,
where they would confer the same
evolutionary advantage.
Darwin describes evolution as
a slow and gradual process. As a
population of organisms adapts
to a new environment, it becomes
a new species, different from
Charles Darwin Born in Shrewsbury, England,
in 1809, Darwin was originally
destined to follow his father
into medicine, but his childhood
was filled with pursuits such as
beetle collecting, and with little
inclination to become a physician,
he trained for the clergy. A chance
appointment in 1831 placed him
as expedition scientist on HMS
Beagle’s around-the-world trip.
Following the voyage, Darwin
was under the scientific spotlight,
gaining fame as a perceptive
observer, reliable experimenter,
and talented writer. He wrote
on the formation of coral reefs
and on marine invertebrates,
especially barnacles, which he
studied for almost 10 years. He
also wrote works on fertilization,
of orchids, insect-eating plants,
movement in plants, and
variation among domesticated
animals and plants. Later in life,
he tackled the origin of humans.
Key works
1839 The Voyage of the Beagle
1859 On the Origin of Species by
Means of Natural Selection
1871 The Descent of Man, and
Selection in Relation to Sex
Alfred Russel Wallace, like Darwin,
developed his theory of evolution in the
light of extensive field work, conducted
first in the Amazon River Basin and
later in the Malay Archipelago.