Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1
106 Justyna Robinson

Geeraerts, Dirk
1989 Introduction: Prospects and problems of prototype theory. Linguis-
tics 27: 587-612.
1993 Cognitive linguistics and the history of philosophical epistemology.
In Conceptualisations and Mental Processing in Language, Richard
Geiger, and Brygida Rudzka-Ostyn (eds.), 53-79. Berlin/New York:
Mouton de Gruyter.
1997 Diachronic Prototype Semantics. A Contribution to Historical Lex-
icology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
2005 Lectal variation and empirical data in Cognitive Linguistics. In Cog-
nitive Linguistics: Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Interac-
tion, Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, and M. Sandra Peña
Cervel, 163-189. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Geeraerts, Dirk, Stefan Grondelaers, and Peter Bakema
1994 The Structure of Lexical Variation. Meaning, Naming, and Context.
Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Geeraerts, Dirk, and Hubert Cuyckens (eds.)
2007 The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Geiger, Richard, and Brygida Rudzka-Ostyn (eds.)
1993 Conceptualisations and Mental Processing in Language. Ber-
lin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Gries, Stefan Th.
2006 Corpus-based methods and cognitive semantics: the many meanings
of to run. In Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics: Corpus-Based Ap-
proaches to Syntax and Lexis, Stefan Th. Gries, and Anatol Stefa-
nowitsch (eds.), 57-99. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Gries, Stefan Th., and Dagmar Divjak
2009 Behavioural profiles: a corpus-based approach to cognitive semantic
analysis. In New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics. Vvyvan Evans,
and Stéphanie Pourcel, 57-75. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Gries, Stefan Th., and Anatol Stefanowitsch (eds.)
2006 Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics: Corpus-Based Approaches to
Syntax and Lexis. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Hasan, Ruqaiya
1989 Semantic variation and sociolinguistics. Australian Journal of Lin-
guistics 9: 221–275.
1992 Meaning in sociolinguistic theory. In Sociolinguistics Today: Inter-
national Perspectives, Kingsley Bolton, and Helen Kwok (eds.), 80-

  1. London: Routledge.
    2009 Semantic Variation: Meaning in Society. (Collected Works of Ru-
    qaiya Hasan, ed. by Jonathan J. Webster). London: Equinox.

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