Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1

108 Justyna Robinson

Peters, Hans
1988 On the state and aims of Middle English word geography. In Histor-
ical Dialectology. Regional and Social. Trends in Linguistics. Stu-
dies and Monographs 37, Jacek Fisiak (ed.), 397- 416. Berlin/New
York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Pope, Jennifer
2002 Revisiting Martha’s Vineyard. M.A. thesis, University of Edinburgh.
Poplack, Shana, David Sankoff, and Christopher Miller
1988 The social correlates and linguistic processes of lexical borrowing
and assimilation. Linguistics 26: 47- 104.
Roberts, Kenneth
2001 Class in Modern Britain. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Romaine, Suzanne
1984 The Language of Children and Adolescents: Acquisition of Commu-
nicative Competence. Oxford, Blackwell.
Rosch, Eleanor
1975 Cognitive representations of semantic categories. Journal of Experi-
mental Psychology 104: 199- 233.
Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José, and M. Sandra Pena Cervel (eds.)
2005 Cognitive Linguistics: Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Inte-
raction. Berlin/ New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Sankoff, Gillian
2006 Age: apparent time and real time. Elsevier Encyclopedia of Lan-
guage and Linguistics, Keith Brown (ed.), 1: 110-116. Amsterdam,
Stenström, Anna-Brita
2000 It's enough funny, man: intensifiers in teenage talk. In Corpora Ga-
lore: Analyses and Techniques in Describing English, John M. Kirk
(ed.), 177-190. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Tabachnick, Barbara G., and Linda S. Fidell
2001 Using Multivariate Statistics. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Tagliamonte, Sali A., and Alex D'Arcy
2004 He's like, she's like: the quotative system in Canadian youth. Journal
of Sociolinguistics 8 (4): 493-514.
2009 Peaks beyond phonology: adolescence, incrementation, and lan-
guage change. Language 85 (1): 58-108.
Trudgill, Peter
1974 The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich. London: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Upton, Clive, and John Widdowson
1999 Lexical Erosion in English Regional Dialects. Sheffield: The Uni-
versity of Sheffield.

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