Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1
Lexical convergence and divergence in Portuguese 63

For instance, a convergent evolution implies an increase in AUNI. It is ne-
cessary, nonetheless, to check if the increase in AUNI is due to AENDO,
AEXO or both. In other words, a convergent evolution may originate either
in the exclusion of endogenous terms or in the inclusion of exogenous
terms. Mathematically, we could then state that the convergent evolution
implies an increase in binational and exogenous terms and a decrease in
endogenous terms; conversely, a divergent evolution involves a decrease in
binational and exogenous terms and an increase in endogenous terms.
Table 6 presents the percentages of endo-/exogenousness in the corpus
of football in the Portuguese (P) and Brazilian (B) variety in the three pe-
riods studied (only the values of the weighted A’ measure are indicated).
Three results stand out: a marked increase of A’UNI between 1950 and
1970 on the Brazilian side (from 38.69% to 55.82%); a decrease of A’ENDO
between 1950 and 1970 which appears to be stronger in Brazil from the
50’s to the 70’s (from 51.78% to 38.62%); and greater changes of A’EXO in
Brazil. These changes are consistent with the convergent trend previously
observed (between 1950 and 1970) and confirm that the Brazilian variety is
subject to greater change than the European variety.

Table 6. Evolution of bi-national, endogenous and exogenous football terms

A’UNIp50,b50(P50) < A’UNIp70,b70(P70) ≅ A’UNIp00,b00(P00)
48,47 54,98 58,01
A’EXOp50,b50(P50) ≅ A’EXOp70,b70(P70) ≅ A’EXOp00,b00(P00)
4,09 4,99 4,24
A’ENDOp50,b50(P50) > A’ENDOp70,b70(P70) ≅ A’ENDOp00,b00(P00)
47,44 40,03 37,74
A’UNIb50,p50(B50) < A’UNIb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’UNIb00,p00(B00)
38,69 55,82 55,84
A’EXOb50,p50(B50) ≅ A’EXOb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’EXOb00,p00(B00)
9,53 5,56 5,93
A’ENDOb50,p50(B50) > A’ENDOb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’ENDOb00,p00(B00)
51,78 38,62 38,23

Nonetheless, the calculation of endo-/exogenousness may not reflect reali-
ty. The reason for this is that we simply cannot take into account AUNI,
AENDO e AEXO from period to period, because what is endogenous or ex-
ogenous can produce different results in each period. The most important
measure is the one that allows us to understand what happened during the

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