Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research)

(Dana P.) #1

64 Augusto Soares da Silva

1970s to the terms that were endogenous, exogenous or binational in the
1950s and what happened to them in 2000 compared with 1970. The results
are given in Table 7.

Table 7. Sequential evolution of bi-national, endogenous and exogenous football

A’UNIp50,b50(P50) ≅ A’UNIp50,b50(P70)
48,47 49,98
A’EXOp50,b50(P50) ≅ A’EXOp50,b50(P70)
4,09 4,86
A’ENDOp50,b50(P50) ≅
47,44 44,65
A’UNIp70,b70(P70) < A’UNIp70,b70(P00)
54,98 60,10
A’EXOp70,b70(P70) ≅ A’EXOp70,b70(P00)
4,99 5,56
A’ENDOp70,b70(P70) >
40,03 33,72

A’UNIb50,p50(B50) < A’UNIb50,p50(B70)
38,69 45,32
A’EXOb50,p50(B50) < A’EXOb50,p50(B70)
9,53 18,54
A’ENDOb50,p50(B50) > A’ENDOb50,p50(B70)
51,78 34,50
A’UNIb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’UNIb70,p70(B00)
55,82 55,10
A’EXOb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’EXOb70,p70(B00)
5,56 8,00
A’ENDOb70,p70(B70) ≅ A’ENDOb70,p70(B00)
38,62 35,48

The upper part of Table 7 shows that from the 1950s to the 1970s the Bra-
zilian variety (on the right) undergoes more changes than its European
counterpart (on the left). All three changes regarding the proportion of UNI,
EXO and ENDO terms between 1950 and 1970 are significant in BP (i.e.
above 5%). None of these changes are significant in EP, though. More spe-
cifically, between 1950 and 1970, BP shows an increase in binational and
exogenous terms and a decrease in endogenous terms. In EP, in contrast,
the proportion of binational, exogenous and endogenous terms remains
identical in the same period. The evolution of the binational, exogenous
and endogenous terms just described confirms that BP moves closer to EP,
as proposed earlier (see the diagonal line between B70 and P50 in Figure
1). The factor causing the varieties to draw closer together is, for now, still
unknown. Furthermore, despite confirmation that BP is approaching to-
wards EP, this does not mean that EP was the role model for BP. It is BP
which moves, thus becoming closer to EP in the 1970s, but this does not
necessarily imply an orientation on the part of BP towards conforming to

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