The Baghdad Set_ Iraq through the Eyes of British Intelligence, 1941–45

(Ann) #1

© The Author(s) 2019 271
A. O’Sullivan, The Baghdad Set,

  1. (a) The Centre will be located as may be most convenient, having
    regard to the collection of information and the discharge of its
    responsibilities to the GOC and AOC Iraq as defined below. It
    will be accommodated and locally administered under arrange-
    ments to be made by the Headquarters Royal Air Force in Iraq.
    The necessary cipher and other facilities required will be pro-
    vided by Army or RAF Headquarters as may be most convenient.
    (b) Under existing conditions it will be necessary to maintain a
    detachment of the Centre in southern Iraq, but as far as circum-
    stances allow the Head of the Centre should ensure that its
    activities and information are co-ordinated with those of the
    main Centre. This detachment will not issue separate summaries
    or appreciations, except in cases of urgency when it is necessary
    to avoid delay in informing local commanders, or on demand
    from them.

  2. In general the Centre will act as an intelligence organization for the
    GOC and AOC in Iraq for all but operational intelligence matters,
    and will be responsible, under their direction, for executive tasks of
    an interservice nature, such as security, civil censorship, propaganda,
    and publicity. The area to be covered by the Centre will be that for
    which the GOC Iraq is responsible.

Appendix F: Revised Charter

of the Combined Intelligence Centre Iraq

and Persia (CICI), issued on 6 July 1941

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