The Baghdad Set_ Iraq through the Eyes of British Intelligence, 1941–45

(Ann) #1


  1. In detail, the tasks of the Centre will be:

(a) to provide the GOC and AOC with collated political and secu-
rity intelligence and such other natures of intelligence as they
may require the Centre to deal with;
(b) to co-operate, with the approval of the GOC and AOC, with
the embassy publicity section in carrying out the general policy
for propaganda as received in directives from the Jerusalem
Bureau, or as ordered by the respective commanders in further-
ance of local operations;
(c) to take or arrange for executive action in connection with gen-
eral security other than field security, and censorship other than
field censorship;
(d) to produce periodical intelligence summaries and appreciations,
copies of which, in addition to local distribution, will be for-
warded to C-in-C East Indies, GHQ India, GHQ Middle East,
HQ RAF Middle East, MEIC, and the Jerusalem Bureau;
(e) to maintain close liaison in intelligence matters with the British
naval authorities in the Persian Gulf;
(f) to afford all assistance to the local representative of MI6 and to
distribute locally to all concerned information received from him.

  1. The establishment of the Centre will include both Army and RAF
    personnel, and will be varied from time to time to meet the needs of
    the situation. It will include political advisers and assistant political
    advisers, who will work under the direct orders and control of HE
    The British Ambassador in Iraq, and area liaison officers who will
    work under the Head of the Centre.

  2. The Centre will be provided with Secret Service funds by HMG in
    UK. Supervision over the expenditure will be exercised by GOC and
    AOC Iraq. Funds will be provided through the Jerusalem Bureau
    for the activities of the political advisers mentioned in paragraph 4.
    (Source: Appendix D, AIR 29/2504, The National Archives)

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