A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

She accused him of being a misogynist because he had
been a bachelor all his life.

29.Mogul : powerful person

The oil moguls made great profits when the price of
gasoline rose.

  1. motif : theme

This simple motif runs throughout the score

31.Monotheism: belief in one God.

Abraham was first to proclaim his belief in monotheism

  1. Mordant : biting , sarcastic , stinging

Actors feared the critics mordant pen.

  1. Mulet : defraud a person of something

The lawyer was accused of trying to mulet the boy of his

Synonyms- N

Synonyms- N

  1. Narcissist : Conceited person.

A narcissist is his own best friend.

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