A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Natation : Swimming

The Red Cross emphasizes the need for courses in nation.

  1. Nauseate : cause to become sick , Fill with disgust.

The foul smells began to nauseate her.

  1. Neophyte : recent , beginner

This mountain slope contains sldes that will challenge
experts as well as neophytes.

5.Nostrum : Questionable medicine.

No quack selling nostrums is gong to cheat me.

6.Niggle : Spend too much time on minor points , crap

Let's not niggle over details niggling.

7.Nostalgia : Homesickness , longing for the past.

My grandfather spoke of life in the old country. He
had little patience with nostalgia.

8.Nexus : connection

I fal to see the nexus that binds thse two widely
separated events.

9.Nugatory : Futile , worthless

The agreement is nugatory for no court wll enforce it.

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