A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

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Towards a speaker model of FG 355

(29) (p 1 : [(past e 1 : [hab f 1 : come [V] (def x 1 )AG ] (gen sg x 8 : class [N])ILLAT )
(def (3 OR 4) x 9 : minute [N])TEMP] ))])

When the rest of the satellite is finally expressed the speaker interrupts
herself because she wants to revise her initial estimate. This is an example
of self-monitoring, which is represented in the model. Information from the
working memory is fed back to semantic memory and added to the overall
discourse structure after evaluation. It is this evaluation which leads to the
instruction to stop expression, and reconsider. A new planning period starts
with a new pause. It is followed by a corrected version of the contents of
referential act R 3.

(30) ... precísely one minute after the hóur,

This is the result of an incremental update of the three levels. We first
give the updated IL and RL levels, the former without an attempt at a con-
ceptual representation. (31) contains the new referential act R 4. Note that,
although the act is new, the variable that it refers to is that of R 3 , i.e. x 9.
This variable stands for the mental notion under discussion.

(31) (M 6 : [INFRM [(A 6 : [DECL (P 1 )S (P 2 )A
(C 6 : [R 1 (x 1 )TOP R 2 (x 8 :CLASS)FOC T 1 (f 1 : GO INTO)
R 3 (x 9 : 3+ MINUTE)FOC
R 4 (x 9 : ... )FOC])])]])

Correspondingly, the Config field of Node 15 will again be updated
with the contents of the time satellite. This gives us the following. Note
that again only the material represented in bold will be expressed.

(32) NODE 15 (fully instantiated)
Lab: sat
Config: [(x 9 )FOC ],
(def (1: precise [A]) x 9 : minute [N]:
(def sg x 10 : hour [N])POST)TEMP]
SubCat: prep num n x

Accordingly, the tree of Figure 6 will be further expanded. Expression
will continue at the rightmost satellite node again. Figure 7 shows the re-
sults; only a partial tree is given this time.

Again, the new information percolates upwards to Node 1. This time,
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