A New Architecture for Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series)

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356 Dik Bakker and Anna Siewierska

however, it is not added to the Config structure, but replaces part of it. The
new contents of the top node will be as in (33).^22

(33) (p 1 : [(past e 1 : [hab f 1 : come [V] (def x 1 )AG ] (gen sg x 8 : class [N])ILLAT )
(def (1: precise [A]) x 9 : minute [N] : (def sg x 11 : hour [N])POST))TEMP]))])


23 26 28

16 18 20 22

/a-t/ /three/ /or/ /4/ 24 25 27 29 30 31

/precisely/ /one/ /minute/ /of/ /the/ /hour/

Figure 7. Partial expression tree; stage 4

After (30) – previously (11c) – has been uttered, the monitor appears to
have been active again. The very specific version of the latest temporal sat-
ellite is relaxed somewhat in the last contribution to the current act, (11d),
now renumbered as (34).

(34) or something like thát

For this speech act, which we interpret as an alternative for the com-
plete time satellite we give only the RL update. Syntactic expansion
proceeds again from the top node, via a third SAT node. The final result in
the Config of Node 1 is as in (35).

(35) (p 1 : [(past e 1 : [hab f 1 : come [V] (def x 1 )AG ] (gen sg x 8 : class [N])ILLAT )
(def (1: precisely) x 9 : minute [N]: (def sg x 10 : hour [N])POST)TEMP] )
OR (indef sg x 11 : [-S,-A,-M,-F]: (x 9 )COMPAR ) TEMP )])

This terminates the Act, the Move and our discussion of the integration
of the FDG model and our dynamic model of the expression rules.

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