1.2 Attitude
A Some sentence adverbials describe your attitude to
what you are saying. For example, inLuckily, it was
raining,the wordluckilydescribesnot the rain butt he
way the writerfeelsabout it.If you are expressingyour
ownopinion ,you couldsayfranklyorp ersonally.Ifyou
areexpressingan idea that goesagainst your argument,
you cansignalthis by sayingAdmittedlyit'sraining,but
I do thinkweought togoto the beach.
Use the follow ingattitud e words tocompletethe table
below:for eachw ordin thefirstcolumn therearetwo
wordsthat can mean almost exactly the same.
predictably happily toIllymind
g ra nte d ofcourse incred ibly
curiously frankly SllI1)risingly
fUllnily tr ue itseems
luckil y supposedly
A admittedly
Bastonislling ly
C fortunat ely
Dstrangelye nough e!lOngll enough
E uaturullv
Fappa rentl y
Notethatit is very commonto saystrangely enough
rather than juststrangely.
26 • Writingsub-skills
C Reference
Theuse ofwordstorefer back to things already
mentioned or to refer forwardsis a key areaof cohesion.
Mastery of r eference is essential as a writing skill for
Paper 2; it is also tested in Paper 3.
1.0 Variousdevices
Hereare some of the devices thatcontributetowards
a ,all,th e (article s)
*my, yOllr,his,her,their,one's,its, Ollr
(posse ssive adjec tives)
this, that, these, those (d e mo nst ra tive adjectives )
*I,yOIl ,one,etc .;me,her,it ,etc. (perso nal)
mille, YOllrs,h is, hers,its,theirs,ollrs (p os se ssive)
*this, th at , t hese, those (de monst rative)
*1/:/10,icluch,icliere ,iclien,that (relative)
Boththisandthatcanbe used toreferto somethingtha thas
b ee nme ntionedbefore.Thisis pre fe r red when talking
abo utsome thingyo u are close to(i ntime as well as spa ce),
whilet hatre fers to somethingmo redistant.
llelellsaysshe'sfedliplcitl ,herjob.This doesn'tsurprise
llelen sai dsh e lcas fedIIJJrdthherjoh.ThatrUls th e last
timeIsm cher.
Thi shutno tthatcall heusedto referto some thi ngtha t has
notyetboonme ntio ned.
r OIl'relIecergoingtob e/ieeethis-He/eli'sgot aflewjob!
AIybrothersareverysuccessful,butbothhave agirlfriend
p rob lem .Kev hasn 't gotone,ant![ulianhastoomany.
I thollghttheatlaslcas onthehookshe(f,b ut IC(JIl'tjim! it
IuseditOilSaturday, b ut I haven't seellifsinceth en.
I' m1I0teerytidy; Tllhnce to bemore soin[nture.
I don'tbelievemybrotheris especiallyclec er,buthe
certainlythinks so.
Theyuxmtme to[oiuthearm y, hiltI'm notgoingto .(
join thearmy.l
*1 don't th ink:I'll besenttopIiSOIl,butI m ig h t.(
sent t o p rison)