A Instructionsand directions page 49
B Advice page 51
C Processes andsystems page 5 4
Warmup: registerexercise
What is the originof eachtext?Who is it addresse d to and whatis it t rying to
ac hieve?
4 Be direct. Amer ic
Dutc hand Sc di. a rts, G ermans,
vague in b. an Ibna v,ans th ink we're
usmess eca u hev'
tostra igh t talkin set eyre used
- B g.
~ante:g:~~~~. ~ermans are likel yto
British th in k ' gures,.wh e re as the
th e h d f In approxIma tion s. Fax
ar gures I J '
te epI hone to a ' eal and usc the
1 Put a book on thefloor.
2 Climb on a chair and raise your
3 Aiming at thetarget.jump
shoutmq 'Banzai!' Your friends
will be impressed.
Wet the hair andapplya small
amount of the shampoo. Gently
work toa lather. Rinse.Repeatas
' S i t down, shut up and get
on with your work. And do
try to act your age: this
isn't a kindergarten. '
I!I .t h you r ri ght. handd.
First makea ftstWIthyourlefth a\ t
Steady th e footWIid es of your rig
d withtheknuc I Move your
an geth e 50 e. ress
handmass.^8 sman circ\es~ p
knuckl esin to
h ard.B e su r e
Coffeeis deliver edto the manufacturer ready
roasted, blended and groun d. It is the n
percolatedin batch es ofupto 900 kilos at a
time. Someofthe wat er is evaporate dfrom
th e co f fee toleave
milkandmixtoa s.moot h
te pouronboiling
accelerates rapidly until
it istravellingasfast as
the wave. The surfer
then pushes himselfup,
first kneeling and then
standingon his board.
Put the coo ke d c h i c kpeas, oil, lemon
juice, ga r lic a n d tahini (sesam e past e)
into th e blenderwithe n o ughwate r to
a ll o w the mixture to pure e
satisfactor ily.Ad dsa lt to tast eandmore
lemon juiceortahiniasn e cessary.
g.Finally,the mUscleswillrelax
althoughthecasualtywill r
mInuteso rmore.
h.Af.te is over,thecasualty
wlllregarn co n scio usnessbut
m~yfeeld a zed an dcon fu sed.
ThIS feelingcan
- Helpyou ngch ildren
wit h langu ageby.
spen dingtim e ta lkmgto
th em,rea din g tothem
andencouragingth em to
u selangua ge.And
remember,paren ts
sh ouldstill beparents
andnotb ehav elike
teac he rs.- Exp ec t ch ildren to do
th eir bes t, offerrewards of
extraattention sucha s
- Exp ec t ch ildren to do
48 • Types ofwriting