ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Extended Example: Implementing Undo | 267

Concrete Commands that Implement Undo

Now we will re-implement the increment and decrement concrete commands to the

abstract interface declared byCommandWithUndo. The two new concrete command

classes areIncrementCommandWithUndo(Example 7-21) andDecrementCommandWithUndo

(Example 7-22). To implement the undo feature, we primarily need to push all exe-

cuted command objects into the command stack. Theexecute( )method does this

by calling theexecute( )method in the superclass in the last statement (line 17), and

implementing theundo( )method. Theundo( )method simply reverses the effects of

theexecute( ) method (line 20).


internal static var aCommandHistory:Array = new Array( );

public function execute( ):void

// ABSTRACT Method (must be overridden in a subclass)
public function undo( ):void {}

Example 7-21.

1 package
2 {
3 import flash.text.TextField;
5 class IncrementCommandWithUndo extends CommandWithUndo
6 {
7 var receiver:TextField;
9 public function IncrementCommandWithUndo(rec:TextField):void
10 {
11 this.receiver = rec;
12 }
14 override public function execute( ):void
15 {
16 receiver.text = String(Number(receiver.text) + 1);
17 super.execute( );
18 }
20 override public function undo( ):void
21 {

Example 7-20. (continued)

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