ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

268 | Chapter 7: Command Pattern

TheDecrementCommandWithUndo class is similar, and shown in Example 7-22.

We also need a new command object that’ll be attached to an undo button on the

invoker. Example 7-23 shows theUndoLastCommandclass that will undo the last opera-

tion. Theexecute( )method first checks if theaCommandHistoryarray contains any

command objects, and pops the array to get the most recently executed command. It

then proceeds to call theundo( )method on the popped command object. Note that

the undo command does not push itself into the command stack. It also throws an

IllegalOperationError exception if itsundo( ) method is called.

22 receiver.text = String(Number(receiver.text) – 1);
23 }
24 }
25 }

Example 7-22.

import flash.text.TextField;

class DecrementCommandWithUndo extends CommandWithUndo

var receiver:TextField;

public function DecrementCommandWithUndo(rec:TextField):void
this.receiver = rec;

override public function execute( ):void
receiver.text = String(Number(receiver.text) – 1);
super.execute( );

override public function undo( ):void
receiver.text = String(Number(receiver.text) + 1);

Example 7-23.

import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;

class UndoLastCommand extends CommandWithUndo

Example 7-21.

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