97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

(Chris Devlin) #1

Index 225

Heidegger, Martin, 143
Hello, World program, 102–103
Henney, Kevlin
biography, 208
Comment Only What the Code
Cannot Say, 34–35
Test for Required Behavior, Not
Incidental Behavior, 160–161
Test Precisely and Concretely, 162–163
Hohpe, Gregor
biography, 204
Convenience Is Not an -ility, 38–39
Holmes, Sherlock, 19, 192
Homer, Paul W.
biography, 213
Simplicity Comes from Reduction,
Hopper, Grace, 58
Horstmann, Cay
biography, 199
Step Back and Automate, Automate,
Automate, 156–157
Hufnagel, Burk
biography, 198
News of the Weird: Testers Are Your
Friends, 120–121
Put the Mouse Down and Step Away
from the Keyboard, 138–139
humanities, reading, 142–143
Hunger, Michael
biography, 211
Domain-Specific Languages, 46–47
Hunt, Andy, 54, 60

automation, 156
Unix tools, 176
IDEs (Integrated Development
Environments), 86–87, 90–91
IEEE floating-point numbers, 66–67
inappropriate text in code, 50–51
incremental changes, 12
incremental development, 113
installation process, 40–41
installing software, 80–81
interfaces, 110–111
designing, 111
preventing errors, 133
interim solutions, 108–109

internal DSLs, 46
interprocess communication, 82–83
invisibility, 112–113
issue tracker, 76–77

Jackson, Nate
biography, 211
Your Customers Do Not Mean What
They Say, 194–195
Jagger, Jon
biography, 206
Do Lots of Deliberate Practice, 44–45
Make the Invisible More Visible,
Java, 42, 55, 57, 64, 70, 85, 90, 97, 115, 131,
160, 188
internal DSLs, 46
Johnsson, Dan Bergh
biography, 200
Distinguish Business Exceptions from
Technical, 42–43
Know Your Next Commit, 94–95

Kabutz, Heinz
biography, 205
Know Your IDE, 90–91
Karlsson, Mattias
biography, 210
Code Reviews, 28–29
keeping a sustainable pace, 74–75
Kelly, Allan
biography, 197
Check Your Code First Before Looking
to Blame Others, 18–19
Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and
Are Difficult to Fix), 172–173
Khan, Aslam
biography, 198
Ubuntu Coding for Your Friends,
Kimchi, Yechiel
biography, 220
Coding with Reason, 30–31
Klumpp, Allan, 172
Knuth, Donald, 179
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