(^226) Index
Landre, Einar
biography, 202
Encapsulate Behavior, Not Just State,
Prefer Domain-Specific Types to
Primitive Types, 130–131
languages, 54–55
communicating with peers, 98–99
knowing more than two, 88–89
layout of code, 26–27
learning, continuous, 36–37
Lee, Paul, 102
Lewis, Mike
biography, 211
Don’t Be Afraid to Break Things,
libraries, 15–16, 20
getting to know, 36
internal DSLs, 46
process models and message passing,
licensing terms, 21
limitations, knowing, 93–94
Lindner, Daniel
biography, 201
Let Your Project Speak for Itself,
linear search, 93
linkers, 106–107
LINQ, 55
LISP, 42
internal DSLs, 46
logging, verbose, 180–181
Marquardt, Klaus
biography, 209
Learn Foreign Languages, 98–99
The Longevity of Interim Solutions,
Martin, Robert C. (Uncle Bob)
biography, 215
The Boy Scout Rule, 16–17
The Professional Programmer,
The Single Responsibility Principle,
Maudal, Olve
biography, 212
Hard Work Does Not Pay Off, 74–75
McGuire, Kevin, 27
memory (cache), 93
mentors, 36
Mercurial, 136
Meszaros, Gerard
biography, 203
Write Tests for People, 190–191
Metaphors We Live By, 142
Meyers, Scott
biography, 217
Make Interfaces Easy to Use Correctly
and Hard to Use Incorrectly,
micro-optimization, 179
Miller, Alex
biography, 197
Start from Yes, 154–155
monitoring, 180–181
Monson-Haefel, Richard
biography, 214
Fulfill Your Ambitions with Open
Source, 68–69
Mount, Sarah
biography, 216
Take Advantage of Code Analysis
Tools, 158–159
multithreaded problems, 19
singletons and, 146–147
multithreaded systems, 115–116
Murrow, Edward R., xxiii
MySQL, 96
Natural Categories, 143
Nilsson, Niclas
biography, 212
Thinking in States, 168–169
Norås, Anders
biography, 197
Don’t Just Learn the Language,
Understand Its Culture, 54–55
North, Dan
biography, 201
Code in the Language of the Domain,
Norvig, Peter, 44
Nosek, J. T., 171
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)