97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know

(Rick Simeone) #1

Contents xix

Managing Stakeholders

Make Project Sponsors Write Their Own Requirements....... 8

Keep It Simple, Simon............................. 16

Scrolling Through Time............................ 20

Save Money on Your Issues.......................... 22

Success Is Always Measured in Business Value............. 36

Chart a Course for Change.......................... 78

Roadmaps: What Have We Done for You Lately?.......... 100

The Importance of the Project Scope Statement........... 102

Avoiding Contract Disputes........................ 108

A Project Is the Pursuit of a Solution. ................. 140

Project Sponsors—Good, Bad, and Ugly................ 152

Should You Under-Promise, or Over-Deliver?............. 154

Teach the Process............................... 160

Engage Stakeholders All Through Project Life............ 168

True Success Comes with a Supporting Organization. ....... 190

Establish Project Management Governance.............. 192

Project Processes

Go Ahead, Throw That Practice Out.................... 32

Planning for Reality.............................. 82

Don’t Worship a Methodology........................ 88

One Deliverable, One Person. ....................... 92

The Holy Trinity of Project Management................. 98

The Importance of the Project Scope Statement........... 102

You Get What You Measure........................ 110

Don’t Fall into the “Not Invented Here” Syndrome........... 112

Responding to a Crisis. ........................... 126

Know Your Integration Points....................... 128

Start with the End in Mind......................... 132

Clear Terms, Long Friendship!. ...................... 134

A Project Is the Pursuit of a Solution. ................. 140

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