The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [19–20]^

  1. Naumkin et al., Blizhnevostochnyy konflikt, vol. 2, document no. 275, pp. 597–8.

  2. Shelest, Spravzhniy, p. 244; Mlechin, Stalin, pp. 437–8. This statement’s attribution to
    Pokryshkin adds to its credibility: the USSR’s leading fighter-pilot ace in the Second World
    War and thrice HSU had a reputation for fearless honesty. Ironically, the following year
    he was promoted to deputy commander of the entire Soviet air defense arm, a position he
    held until 1972. Thus he at least formally oversaw a far greater deployment to Eg ypt than
    the one he protested in June ’67.

  3. Hershberg, Aftermath, p. 29.

  4. Ibid., pp. 16–17.

  5. A divizyon in this Soviet air defense context is not to be confused with a ground-forces
    division (diviziya). Closer to a Western battery, it consisted of four SAM launchers with
    their radar system, anti-aircraft cannon and shoulder-fired missile defenses, with about
    100 men. Aleksandr Okorokov, Sekretnye voyny Sovetskogo Soyuza: Pervaya Polnaya
    Entsiklopediya, Moscow: Yauza-Eksmo, 2008, p. 74.

  6. Vladimir Shirin, “Pomogali Egipetskoy Armii,” in L.I. Sannikov et al. (eds),
    Internatsionalisty: Sbornik vospominanii voinov-internatsionalistov, Smolensk: Smyadyn’,
    2001, pp. 107–8.

  7. Dennis Neeld, AP, “Ex-prisoners Detained,” Leader-Post (Regina, SK), 22 June 1967,
    p. 16.

  8. “US, Israel Blamed by De Gaulle,” Milwaukee Journal, 21 June 1967, p. 3.

  9. AP, Ma’ariv, 26 June 1967, p. 1.

  10. “Memorandum for the Record: Meeting with Brigadier General Mordecai Hod,” 13 January
    1968, IRISNUM #01024071. Released by USAF at authors’ request, 6 April 2012.

  11. Vladimir Maurin, “V tel’nyashke i skafandre,” Kuzbass Daily (Kemerovo, Russia), 19 March
    1999,; Anzhero-
    Sudzhensk Regional History Museum, “Meropriyatie ‘Morskaya dusha: Tel’nyashka,’”
    18 February 2011,–1–0–59

  12. Viktor Volodin, “Na Izrail’ my zakhodili so storony morya,” Vremya Novostey (Moscow),
    5 June 2007,

  13. “Eg ypt and the Warsaw Pact,” Jewish Observer and Middle East Review (22 December
    1967), p. 3.

  14. “Report by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister on the Ministerial Meeting in Warsaw,”
    4 January 1968, CWIHP Digital Archive,

  15. Semenov, “Ot Khrushcheva,” p. 135.

  16. On 20 June, in an otherwise remarkably prescient analysis, the head of the Israeli Foreign
    Ministry’s East European Department estimated: “it cannot be ruled out that the Soviets
    will try to provide the Arabs not only with weapons but also with volunteers—not from
    the USSR but from other East European countries such as Bulgaria.” Aryeh Ilan to Teko’a,
    ISA HZ-4083/2. This may have been based in part on a report from 11 June that “in the
    last two days numerous Bulgarian army units have moved south, destination unknown.”
    Israel Legation, Sofia, to East European Department, ISA HZ-4090/27. If true, the report

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