The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [38–41]^

with whom this information was shared noted that the West Germans had undertaken a
special intelligence effort to ascertain it, out of concern that their own outdated destroy-
ers faced the same Soviet-made missile boats in the Baltic Sea.

  1. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, p. 186.

  2. J.P. Marriott, naval attaché, Cairo to MOD, 14 November 1972. NA (PRO).

  3. Shirokorad, Rossiya, pp. 330–1.

  4. Vice-Adm. Vitaly Zub, “Sovetskie moryaki: Voiny-internatsionalisty v OAR-Egipet,” in
    Safonov et al., Grif, pp. 73–4.

  5. Marriott, naval attaché, Cairo to MOD, 14 November 1972. NA (PRO).

  6. “Whether the incident would have occurred if Soviet ships had been present ... is an open
    question. But many observers ... both Eg yptian and foreign, believe it would not have hap-
    pened.” Joe Alex Morris Jr., Los Angeles Times, “Soviet Navy Flexes Its Muscles,” Times
    (Geneva, NY), 15 May 1968, p. 2.

  7. Dishon et al., Middle East Record 1967, p. 26.

  8. Whetten, Canal War, p. 61, citing Cable, Gunboat Diplomacy, p. 146—though the latter
    does not mention the ships’ leaving harbor at all.

  9. Anatoly Usikov and Valery Yaremenko, “Flot kak instrument politiki,” NVO, 29 August

  10. Kharchikov, “Na moryakh sredi zemli.”

  11. Amos Eran, embassy in Washington, to Foreign Ministry, 24 October 1967, ISA
    HZ-4048/27. The informant was Jay Lovestone, a former Communist who at the time
    was director of the AFL-CIO’s International Affairs Department and a contact of the
    CIA’s point man on Israel, James Angleton.

  12. Kharchikov, “Na moryakh sredi zemli.”

  13. Israeli minister, Paris, to director, Middle East Department, Foreign Ministry, 11 December
    1968, ISA HZ-4221/17.

  14. Posted on 10 January 2003, http:/

  15. Reproduced in Russian by “Kollezhsky Sovetnik,” 27 March 2010,

  16. S.V. Baranova (ed.), “Zashchitniki Otechestva,” Nasha Gazeta (Belgorod), February 2004.

  17. “Memorandum of Conversation,” FRUS J-XIX, no. 482. In the course of this talk, Eban
    was notified that “the” Soviet deputy defense minister had “just arrived” in Cairo; the min-
    utes do not clarify whether this referred to Zakharov or Sokolov, nor whether either side
    in the discussion was aware that two such officials were in Eg ypt.

  18. AP, “Eg yptian Forces Open Fire in Suez Area,” Leader-Herald (Gloversville, NY),
    24 October 1967, p. 1.

  19. “Notes of Meeting,” FRUS J-XIX, no. 483.

  20. McPherson to Johnson, 31 October 1967, FRUS J-XIX, no. 494n3.

  21. Mitchell G. Bard, “The 1968 Sale of Phantom Jets to Israel,” http://www.jewishvirtualli-; UPI report, Davar, 25 October 1967, p. 1.

  22. In this case, the Soviets appear to have palmed off old hardware. The Tu-16T was one of
    the earliest variants, developed in the mid-1950s, and by 1965 was being phased out by
    Soviet Naval Aviation.

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