The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [36–38]^

was sent to Syria on an identically defined mission and joined Podgorny when the latter vis-
ited Damascus after Cairo. Zakharov remained chief of the General Staff until his retirement
in September 1971, and Sokolov (who died in 2012, aged 101) never served in that capac-
ity, though he was made a marshal and commanded the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Hershberg, Aftermath, p. 15; AP, “Podgorny Opens Talks In Syria,” Press (Binghamton, NY),
1 July 1967; bios of Zakharov and Sokolov,

  1. S. Vinogradov, report of conversation with Nasser, 21 October 1967. Naumkin et al.,
    Blizhnevostochnyy konflikt, vol. 2, document no. 299, pp. 641–4.

  2. Al-Ahram, 23, 25 and 27 October 1967, quoted in Dishon et al., Middle East Record 1967,
    p. 25. The anniversary of groundbreaking for the dam was approaching in January, and
    there was talk about a festive visit by Brezhnev. Sokolov could have discussed the dam’s
    defense against air attack, but this was not announced.

  3. AP photo of Zakharov captioned “arrived in Cairo unannounced in the midst of an Israeli–
    Eg yptian controversy” over the Eilat sinking ; Citizen-Advertiser (Auburn, NY), 23 October
    1967, p. 1.

  4. The first Komars were provided to Eg ypt in 1962.

  5. Cable, Gunboat Diplomacy, p. 133.

  6. AP and UPI, “Soviets Rush Military Chief to Cairo: Kremlin Concerned about Sinking
    of Elath” and Reuters, “‘What You Deserved’: Moscow,” Montreal Gazette, 24 October
    1967, p. 21.

  7. AFP, Moscow, Journal de Genève, 25 October 1967, p. 5. Zakharov had concluded a ten-
    day visit to France and returned to Moscow on Wednesday, 18 October. Shirokorad’s
    account states that after prior orders were received from naval headquarters, the boats were
    ordered out at 17:00, “assumed combat course” at 17:10, and fired the first missile at 17:19;
    Aleksandr B. Shirokorad, Rossiya na Sredizemnom more, Moscow: AST, 2008, p. 330.

  8. Telegram to the White House, 3 November 1967, FRUS J-XIX, no. 500.

  9. Naumkin et al., Blizhnevostochnyy konflikt, vol. 2, document no. 299, pp. 641–4.

  10. Daniel El-Peleg, “Ihui Shevarim,” Ba-Mahaneh (IDF weekly), 7 April 2009, quoting
    Eg yptian general and military historian Gamal Hammad; cf. “Sinking Eilat, the Destroyer,”, excerpted from Mohamed Abd
    Al-Ghany Al-Gamasy, The October War 1973, 2nd edn, 1998.

  11. AP, “Eg yptian Forces Open Fire in Suez,” Leader-Herald (Gloversville, NY), 24 October
    1967, p. 1.

  12. Yossi Melman, “The Destroyer’s Last Secret,” Ha’aretz English edn, 11 March 2005.

  13. Shalom Rosenfeld, Ma’ariv, 27 October 1967, p. 9.

  14. Walter Logan, UPI, “Clash Raises Fear of Mideast War,” Citizen-Advertiser (Auburn, NY),
    23 October 1967, p. 1.

  15. Uri Dann, Ma’ariv, 23 October 1967, p. 2.

  16. Nitzan Hadas, Israeli embassy, Bonn, to Ze’ev Dover, East Europe Department. Foreign
    Ministry, 31 October 1967. ISA HZ-4049/6.

  17. Alfred Vestring, personal assistant to parliamentary secretary for foreign affairs, quoted
    in Hadas to Foreign Ministry, 19 December 1967, ISA HZ-4049/6. The Israeli official

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