The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [86–91]^

to the rockets in the contemporary Israeli press, which indicates that this one slipped
through a censorship blackout.

  1. The official Eg yptian history claims that “the Israeli short-range missile batteries” were
    destroyed by Eg yptian artillery as early as September 1968, but this is obviated by Riad’s
    fate and other later uses of the Z e’ev. Badry, Ramadan War, p. 16.

  2. Dishon et al., Middle East Record 1968, pp. 360–1.

  3. Michalson, Abirei lev, p. 21.

  4. Uri Dann, Ma’ariv, 28 October 1968, p. 2.

  5. Yehoshu’a Bitzur, Ma’ariv, 31 October 1968, p. 3.

  6. Shimshon Ofer, Davar, 27 October 1968, p. 1. The article features several blanks that are
    clearly results of censorship. Michalson, Abirei lev, p. 17.

  7. Karpov’s efforts, if not publicly acknowledged by the Eg yptians, were highly appreciated
    by his Soviet superiors; he is among a handful of advisers singled out by Malashenko for
    special praise for rehabilitating Eg yptian forces through long and arduous field work
    (Vspominaya, p. 284).

  8. Michalson, Abirei lev, pp. 16, 18–19, 37.

  9. Davar, 9 September 1968, p. 1.

  10. Military correspondent, Davar, 28 October 1968, p. 1.

  11. Shmu’el Segev, Ma’ariv, 28 October 1968, p. 9.

  12. “The Middle East: Restraint Running Out?”

  13. The mythical Second World War hero Gen. Ivan Panfilov encouraged his hastily orga-
    nized division in the 1941 defense of Moscow to initiate skirmishes with the Germans
    and thus overcome their awe of the enemy’s invincibility. Shimshon Ofer, Davar,
    13 September 1968, p. 3; Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 28 October 1968, p. 9; Uri Dann, Ma’ariv,
    7 May 1970, p. 9. The use of this comparison by several military and other correspondents
    appears to reflect grudging admiration in the IDF, as Panfilov was iconic in the Israeli mil-
    itary from its pre-state underground days.

  14. Uri Dann, Ma’ariv, 28 October 1968, p. 2

  15. “The Middle East: Restraint Running Out?”

  16. As disclosed by the IDF four years later. Davar, 30 May 1973, p. 6, quoting ba-Mahaneh
    (IDF magazine).

  17. Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 28 October 1968. Landau, like Dann, was considered a proponent
    of Ariel Sharon and the latter’s “mobile” strateg y against Bar-Lev’s “static” approach.

  18. According to a Soviet adviser, the electric facility (which he locates at Asyut, north of Nag
    Hammadi) had been constructed by Soviet and Czechoslovak experts, was damaged
    beyond repair, and had to be rebuilt. Molodtsov, “Opyt.”

  19. Mikhail Zhirokhov, Rozhdennye voynoy: Istoriya VVS Izrailya, Chapter 6, http:www.air-


  21. Maj.-Gen. Avraham Adan, On the Banks of the Suez: An Israeli General’s Personal Account
    of the Yom Kippur War, San Francisco: Presidio Press, 1980, p. 43.

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