The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [221–225]^

  1. Khandanyan, “Zharkoe.”

  2. Akopov, transcript, pp. 27–30.

  3. 16th Division headquarters to 3rd Infantry Brigade circular 71/8, “Re: Output Reports
    of Soviet Advisers,” 28 March 1971, CDE-IHC., index no. 444006.

  4. AP, Davar, 5 March 1971; Daily Telegraph, reproduced in Ma’ariv, same day.

  5. Newsweek, quoted by Uri Dann, Ma’ariv, 15 April 1971, p. 17.


    1. The following account of the Foxbats’ development and deployment, unless otherwise
      sourced, is based on: Vinogradov, “Sovetskie voiny v Egipte,” p. 13; Lt-Col.
      A.M. Sinikchiyants, Otechestva krylatye syny, Moscow: Mozaika, 2002, pp. 341–50; adap-
      tation of same in “63-y otdel’nyi aviaotryad: Boevoe primenenie MiG-25 v Egipte,” http://www.; Volodin, “Na Izrail’”; Igor’ Bysenkov, “V
      20,000 metrakh nad zemley obetovannoy,” November 2007,
      archiv/2007/11/2007_11_12.php; Georg y Baevsky, “Sekretnaya missiya v nebe Sinaya,”
      Vestnik vozdushnogo flota (n.d., before 2001),
      htm; Abramov, Goluboe, pp. 71ff.

    2. This is the date reported by Bysenkov. Bezhevets, in his earlier interview with Volodin,
      dated virtually the same account in mid-June 1970.

    3. Vybornov has repeatedly related flying a dozen reconnaissance sorties over Israel before
      the 1967 war, including at least two in the aircraft later to be known as the MiG-25, which
      provided the title of our previous book; Foxbats, pp. 74–5, 85–6, 131–7. After Foxbats
      was completed, the Russian Air Force spokesman, Col. Aleksandr Drobyshevsky, con-
      firmed MiG-25 flights over Israel in 1967, naming Bezhevets as the pilot although he is
      not recorded as being in Eg ypt at the time. Drobyshevsky’s article was posted in October
      2006 on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, but has since been removed;
      Ginor and Remez, “Soviet Initiative.”

    4. [Gen. William] Momyer, “Resume of My Conversations with Hod October 27,”
      2 November 1971, IRISNUM 01011311

    5. Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 12 April 1971, pp. 9, 12.

    6. Secretary of state to US embassy, Tel Aviv, “Rabin and Sisco on MiG-23 Flight,” 12 October
      1971, marked as received in White House situation room; NARA NSC files, country
      files, ME–Israel, box 609. The number of twelve was given by NYT on 11 May 1971,
      quoted in Davar the next day (p. 3).

    7. Arab affairs correspondent, Ma’ariv, 17 March 1971, p. 1.

    8. V.B. El’chaninov, “Dan prikaz emu ... v Egipet!,” in Meyer et al., To g d a, pp. 89–90.

    9. Arab affairs correspondent, Davar, 21 March 1971, p. 1.

  7. Ma’ariv, 22 March 1971, p. 1.

  8. Rabin to Foreign Ministry, 1 April 1971, ISA HZ-4549/7, quoted in Bo’az Vanetik and
    Zaki Shalom, “Helqo shel ha-bayit ha-lavan be-tirpud ha-hesder ha-helqi bein Yisra’el
    u-Mitzrayim bi-shenat 1971,” Yi sra’el, 17 (Spring 2010), p. 103; http://humanities1.tau.

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