yasmin boland reveals what your stars have in store for you this month
love, especially if she happens to be
retrograding in your 7th House of
love or over your natal Venus (you
would need to see an astrologer to
find this out).
As for what it means for everyone,
that depends on your star sign and
Rising Sign. I would strongly suggest
that if you know your Rising Sign, you
read that this month as well because
if Venus is hitting your chart strongly,
then it will be mentioned in your
horoscope. Venus retrograde starts
on May 13 and ends on June 25.
What about the Moon? The May 7
Full Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, so
it’s a great time to move past any
grudges you’ve been holding on to.
Grudges are literally toxic energy
that block your ability to successfully
manifest your dreams.
The May 23 New Moon in Gemini
is a wonderful time to think about
whatever is on your mind. The New
Moon takes place at 3.38am so make
your wishes as soon as you wake up
on May 23 – remember, you can make
up to 10!
OCT 24 – NOV 22
Abundant Venus is reversing – this
will affect a lot of people’s financial
situations, including yours, since the
cycle is in your Money Zone. It’s a
month to save for a rainy day and
also to avoid buying anything too
expensive unless you’re really sure
you want it.
JAN 21 – FEB 19
If you make work your number one
priority now, you will be rewarded
(eventually) with a more stable career
and professional security. However, it
won’t happen overnight and you need
to also make sure you nurture your
private life so you don’t neglect the
people you love most.
MAR 21 – APR 20
It’s all about money for you this month.
Think about which financial practices
you need to eradicate – for example, if
you know you have been over-spending
or under-saving. Also look at how your
self-esteem is impacting your earning
power. If you don’t think you’re worth
it, no one else will either!
AUG 24 – SEP 23
There could be a delay in being paid, but
this too shall pass. Ditto if you want more
cash at work and have asked for it but so
far not received the answers you’re
looking for. Abundant Venus is reversing
in your Career Zone, so some financial
work-related hold-ups are to be expected.
For some, an old office romance revives.
Sagi arius
NOV 23 – DEC 21
If you’re still pining for your ex, this
month’s Venus retrograde offers you the
best chance of reconciliation that you
might ever get. It’s also a great time to
get closure on a former relationship.
Attached Sagittarians could feel a little
detached from their partner, so focus on
how much you mean to each other.
FEB 20 – MAR 20
Use this month to cosy back up
to anyone you live with, or any
family members that you have
fallen out with. There is a great
chance for loving and reconciliation,
even if there has been quite a rift.
It’s also a great time to redecorate
your home.
SEP 24 – OCT 23
Your planet Venus goes into a rare
retrograde cycle this month, so you’re
being asked to think back to the past
- maybe you can finally get some
perspective on how far you’ve come?
Financially, it’s time to turn the corner
so make a plan and set some
intentions around money.
DEC 22 – JAN 20
Use May to think about how well you are
looking after yourself. If you have a
secret (or not so secret) desire to “look
good naked”, this is the month to get
yourself in shape. Work harder in the
gym and take up an old health care
routine that used to work for you,
but you let lapse.
Read your Rising Sign too – if
you know it you will get an even
more accurate forecast.
Find it out for free at
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