Index · 343
federalism thinking in, 288, 297–98;
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and, 288–303;
Jewish-Arab relations application, 300;
from micro to macro, 296–97; potential
importance, 294–96
Intifada, 311, 316, 320
Intimate contact, 295
Iran, 13, 200, 316; modern, 3; Muslims, 7,
99; Turkey and, 14
Islam, 279; Academy for Islamic Studies,
256; AFIC, 112; in Balkans, 52; FAIR,
113; Jewish identification, 5; Judaism
and, 131, 288, 290–91, 300; Ottoman
Jews conversions, 42–43, 50n50, 50n51,
50n53. See also Judeo-Islamic relations
Al-Islam, Saif, 13, 306–7, 317; Arab-Israeli
coexistence and, 318–22; decision-
making, 323; in foreign media, 319;
Holocaust rhetoric, 318–22; Revolution-
ary Committees and, 319–20
Al-Islām wa-naz ̔al-fiṭra (Bahnassī), 258
“Islamic Sydney” website, 109
Islamophobia, 103
Israel, 318–22; Balkan Jews migration,
61, 66, 71n324; borders, 316; diversity
within unity, 301; Egypt links, 294;
identity, 284; Jewish-Arab relations,
300; Libya boycott, 191; Libyan Jews
migration, 181, 189, 191; Muslim
reconciliation with, 321; 1982 Lebanon
invasion, 310–12; nuclear umbrella, 315;
as safe haven, 219. See also Children of
Israel; Jewish Agency of Israel; Zionism
Israel, Samuel, 25
Al-Israel, Abu Sa ̔d Yitzhak, 243
Israeli-Palestinian conflict: applying
federalism, 299–300; constructive
stalemate, 301; first CMC dialogue,
291–92; interreligious dialogue and,
288–303; intimate contact and, 295; Oslo
agreement, 5, 292, 314–15; people to
people peace building, 296–97; relation-
ship building and, 295; research results
and processes, 290–91; second CMC
dialogue, 292–93; violent regression,
302; vision of peace, 302. See also Arab-
Berber unrest; Arab-Israeli conflict
Isratin state formula, 316–18, 322
Istiqlal: establishment, 165–66; left wing,
168–69; public forum, 167
Italian culture, 4
Italian racism: BMA abolishing, 174, 176;
Libyan Jews under, 175–76, 185
Izmir, 5; interethnic blinders in, 38, 40;
interethnic violence in, 38–39; Ottoman
Jews, 37–44, 46n1, 46n3; police surveil-
lance, 41; security in, 38. See also La
Buena Esperansa; El Meseret
Jacob, 233–34
Jahiliyya, 279
Janissaries, 20
Jenin, 278–80, 287n45
Jerusalem File, 169
“A Jerusalem Tale,” 281
Jerusalem space, of Yehoshua, 274–76, 283
Jewish Agency of Israel, 8, 171n8, 171n18,
207; headquarters, 168; in Libya, 181,
189; Morocco Jews recruited by, 153–54,
Jewish-Arab relations, 300
Jewish Chronicle, 57
Jewish farmers: AIU and, 151–52; alien-
ation, 143–44; under dhimmi, 145, 156;
land ownership, 145–46, 148–51, 156n7;
Morocco, 145–56; Muslim sharecrop-
pers and, 147–49; pride of, 153; skilled
professionals, 143; in U.S., 145; Zionism
and, 144–45, 151
Jewish history: in Egyptian historiogra-
phy, 11–12, 227–50; in Middle Ages,
241–45; modern, 245–48; prior to Islam,
Jewish messianic pretenders, 133
Jewish nation, 231; aspirations of, 238–39;
end of, 238
Jewish Press Magazine, 206
Jewish state, Al-Qadhafi and, 308–10,
Jewish suffering theory, 239, 246–47
Jews, 233; Australian National Dialogue
of Christians, Muslims, and Jews, 112;
blood relations, 231–35; central Asia
history and culture, 200–204; Children
of Israel and, 228; Christians persecut-
ing, 6; claim of racial purity, 231–35;