Clinicalresearchhasproven it’s possible to
lowerbadcholesterol(LDL) by up to 30% on
thisdiet.This,inturn,will help lower your
riskofheartdisease.Rather than focusing on
whatyoucan’teat,thePortfolio diet focuses
onwhatyoucanhave,including a ‘portfolio’
orcollectionofplantfoods that have each been
independentlyshownto lower cholesterol.
Youcanchoosetoeatsome or all of them.
Eachfoodhastheability to lower LDL
cholesterolby 5 10%,with the potential for
anoverallreductionof30% (statins, the most
effectivecholesterollowering medication,
achievea 2060%reduction). The Portfolio
dietfounder,DrDavidJenkins of the
UniversityofToronto,says: ‘The Portfolio diet
isforrealpeopleinthereal world.’ You can
startwithsmallchanges and build from there.
■Nuts45ga day,which you can have as
snacksbetweenmeals,add to cereals, yogurt
orsaladsorenjoyasnut butters. People who
havea nutallergycanhave seeds instead.
■Plantprotein50gplant protein daily. You
canachievethisbyrelying on pulses like
peas,chickpeas,lentils, soya and other beans,
plus tofu, tempeh and soy milk for the
protein part of your meals.
■ Oatmeal, pulses, fruit and veg These will
help you reach the daily goal of 20g soluble
fibre a day (which helps to lower bad LDL
cholesterol). You do this with two daily
servings of oatmeal, barley, wholegrain oat
breads, pulses such as lentils and chickpeas,
plus two servings of fruits that are high
in soluble fibre (such as berries, apples
and pears), and five vegetables, including
those high in soluble fibre (such as aubergine
and okra).
Adding more of the
foods that have been
scientifically proven
to reduce bad LDL
cholesterol to your diet
could make a significant
change to your levels