The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, 395-700 AD

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

continuists 209
continuity, change and 10, 207, 208–14
‘conversations with the Syrian
Orthodox’ 186, 238
conversion to Christianity 72, 189–90
Coptic 177
Corinth 154
Corippus 118, 134–5, 211
corpusiuriscivilis 105–6
CosmasIndicopleustes 172
cost of reconquest 116, 117–19
Council of Carthage, 411 32
Council of Chalcedon, 451 7, 26, 29–32, 67,
Council of Constantinople, 381 15, 21, 22,
Council of Nicaea, 325 13, 14–15, 27
Council in Trullo, 691–2 71, 203
councillors (curials) 90–1, 94, 160–1
councils 160–1
countryside: cities and 146–8, 161–2;
organization of labour 88–90
cultural history 6
cultural studies 58
culture 128–45; Christianization and 137–9;
cultural change 212; democratization
of 128; high culture 130–6;
Justinian’s contribution 108–9,
126–7; local cultures of the Near
East 176–81; material culture 6, 144–5;
philosophy 134–6, 137–8; popular
culture 138–9; survival of traditional
structures 130–4
CululisTheodoriana 153
curials (curiales) 90–1, 94, 160–1
Cyriacos 159
Cyril of Alexandria, St 29, 30–1, 185
Cyrus of Panopolis 132

Damascus 157; Great Mosque 200, 201
Damasus, pope 18
Daniel the Stylite, St 77
Dara 188, 195
Dara peace treaty 114–15
‘dead cities’ of Syria 11, 153
decline 210–11; of cities 151, 158–9
democratization of culture 128
desert 79, 169–70, 183–4, 205
desert palaces 205–6
Diocletian, emperor 12, 53, 55, 85, 86, 98
Dioscorus 133
Doctrina Jacobi nuperbaptizati 196, 199
Dodds, E.R. 58, 71
Dome of the Rock 200, 204

Donatism 13
dynastic marriage 36

earthquakes 151, 159
east–west division of the Roman empire
1–4, 20, 86–8
east–west relations 35–7
economy 11, 84–103; cities 160–2;
downturn and prosperity 10;
east-west divide 86–8; fall of the
Roman empire 102–3; financing the
state 96–100; long-distance trade
and exchange 101–2; organization of
labour 88–91; social classes 92–6;
urban change 100–1
ecumenical councils 29, 67–8; see also under
individual ecumenical councils
Edessa 158, 178
Edict of Milan 217
education 130–3
Elsner, J. 6, 130
emperors: and the church 66, 69–71; and
the city of Constantinople 33–5; see also
under individual emperors
encroachment 154–5
Ephraem the Syrian 178
Epiphanius of Salamis 30, 73
equestrian class 93
ethnogenesis 17, 176
Eudocia (formerly Athenaïs), empress 26,
70, 133, 143
Eudoxia, empress 28
Eugenius 18
eunuchs 144
Eusebius of Caesarea 8, 20, 69–70, 138
Eustochium 142
Euthymius 175, 185
Eutyches 31, 69
Eutychius 66, 125, 160
Evagrius Scholasticus 8, 109, 113, 161
exchange/trade 11, 92–3, 101–2, 156,
172–3, 208–9

Fabiola 70, 142
Facundus of Hermiane 119
fall of the Roman empire 84, 102–3, 210–
12; in the west 40–2
family 139–42; size of 141
festivals 164–5
Fifth Ecumenical Council, 553–4
(Constantinople) 4, 67–8, 105, 116, 125,
Finley, M.I. 86
First Council of Ephesus, 431 26, 29–31, 67
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