The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, 395-700 AD

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

food supply system 23, 98–9, 102, 166, 172
fortifications 10, 119–22
Foucault, M. 128, 129
fourth century 12–19
France 4
Franks 44–6, 49
frontiers 17, 39, 53, 55–6; eastern
frontier 187–90

Gainas 25, 26
GallaPlacidia 36, 43, 51, 222
Gallus 15
Gaza cathedral 60
Gelimer, Vandal king 111, 117
George of Pisidia 134
Germanos 203
Ghassanids 169, 193
Gibbon, E. 4, 105
Goffart, W. 52
gold 99
Goths 16–17, 18, 22–3, 25–6, 42, 51; see also
Ostrogoths, Visigoths
grain distribution system 23, 98–9, 102, 166,
Gratian 16
Great Mosque, Damascus 200, 201
Greece 154
Greek 3, 27–8, 118, 133, 176, 177–8,
179–81, 204
Gregory I, St (the Great), pope 8, 66, 81,
123, 157
Gregory of Antioch 74
Gregory of Nazianzus, St 22, 64
Gregory of Tours 8, 46, 48

hagiography (saints’ lives) 9, 71, 80, 138,
al-Harith (Arethas) 169, 185
Hayes, J. 101
Heather, P. 4, 17–18, 209, 222
Helena, empress 70
Hellenism 176–81
HenchirSguidan 153
Henotikon 32, 69
Hephthalites 211
Heraclius, emperor 71, 187, 201; Arab
conquests 198, 199; conversion of
Jews 182, 196; Monotheletism 187,
202; return of the True Cross to
Jerusalem 197; war with Persia 191,
195, 197
heresy 18–19, 30
high culture 130–4; philosophy 134–6
Himyar 169, 181

Hippodrome, Constantinople 21, 34–5,
111, 165
holy men 76–81, 139–40, 160, 183–4
Honoria, Justa Grata 36
Honorius 1, emperor 25, 43, 56
Horden, P. 4, 11, 114, 208, 209
hospitality 79
Hoyland, R. 175–6
Huns 42, 43–4, 121, 211
Hypatia 29, 143

Illus 37–8
images 203
inscriptions 9, 150, 177
Isaac, B. 188
Isaurians 37
Isidore of Seville 8
Islam 10, 129, 198–201, 210; Christians
under 203–7; religious divisions 201–2
Italy 4; Justinians’s wars of reconquest 104,
108, 110–11, 115–17, 123; Ostrogothic
kingdom 38, 40, 46–8

Jacob Bar’adai 69, 124, 204
Jacob of Serug 188
James, holy man 80
Jerome, St 18, 142, 183
Jerusalem: Constantinian churches 13; Arab
conquest 198–9; Persian conquest
Jesus Christ 203; human and divine natures
of 30–2, 68
Jews see Judaism/Jews
John the Almsgiver, St 160, 198
John of Biclar 118
John the Cappadocian 105, 110, 122, 124,
John of Damascus, St 180, 200, 205
John of Ephesus 8, 74, 121, 157, 162, 184
John of Epiphaneia 193
John the Lydian 91, 94, 122, 126, 161
John Malalas see Malalas, John
John Scholasticus 125
Jones, A.H.M. 5, 58, 86, 98, 103, 161, 210
Jordanes 8, 17, 39, 127
Jotabe 174–5
Jovian, emperor 16
Jovinus, usurper 56
Judaean desert monasteries 79, 170, 183–4,
Judaism/Jews 11, 75–6, 129, 181–3, 195–6
Julian, emperor 14, 15–16
Julianist formula 125
Julius Nepos 40, 41
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