The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, 395-700 AD

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

religious divisions: Christians 28–9, 67–9,
185–7, 201–3; Muslims 201–2
renunciation of wealth 81–2, 140
Reparatus of Carthage 119
Resafa (Sergiopolis) 63, 169, 174
rhetoric 9
Ricimer 41, 54
rioting, urban 32–3, 162–6, 196
Roman aristocratic families 37, 47–8
Roman army 11, 52–7, 87, 98; barbarians
in 53–4; as economic stimulus 99; size
of the late Roman army 54–5
Roman state: barbarian settlement and
the early medieval kingdoms 48–52;
financing 96–100
Romanos 127
Rome 1, 146–7; church building 59, 61;
sack of in 410 26, 43
Romulus Augustulus, emperor 40, 41, 42
Rostovtzeff, M.I. 4–5, 84
Rufinus 25
Rüpke, J. 59
rupture 209

Saba, Julian 60
Sabas, St 184
Sagalassos 148
saints’ lives (hagiography) 9, 71, 80, 138,
sale of offices 94–5
Samaritans 182
Santa Maria Maggiore 61
Sasanians see Persia
Sbeitla 155
Schick, R. 205
Schwartz, S. 181, 183
Scythopolis (Bet Shean) 170, 179
Second Council of Ephesus, 449 (‘Robber
Council’) 31
senatorial class 92–4, 117
Sergiopolis (Resafa) 173
Serjilla 153
settlement: barbarian 48–52; Near
East 168–73
Severus of Antioch 32, 179, 238
sexual practice 139–42
Shaw, B. 208
Shenoute 76
‘Shifting Frontiers’ series 129
shrines 80–1
Sidonius Apollinaris 8, 41, 48, 133, 223
silk 173
silver plate 62–3, 161–2
Simplicius 135, 136

Sixth Ecumenical Council, 680–1 203
slavery 88–9
Slavs (Sclaveni) 154, 195, 198
social classes 92–6
social welfare 159–60
Socrates 8, 28, 65
solidus, gold 14, 100
Sophia, empress 193
Sophronius 134, 177, 196–7, 202
souvenirs 81
Sozomen 8, 28
Spain 4, 48
Sparta 154
St Catherine’s monastery, Sinai 120–1, 205
St Polyeuktos church, Constantinople 62
St Sabas monastery 205
St Sophia church, Constantinople 20, 22, 28,
62, 111, 127
state see Roman state
Stilicho 25, 41, 51, 54
Strategikon 194
Strategius 195, 196
stylites 77, 160, 183
subdivision of buildings 154–5
subsidies to barbarian groups 50–2, 97–8
survey archaeology 147–8
Symeon the Elder, St 77, 183
Symeon the Holy Fool, St 78
Symeon the Younger, St 77, 78, 183
Symmachus 47–8
synagogues 181, 182, 183; mosaics 157–8,
Syria 62–3, 152–3
Syriac 177, 178, 179

taxation 11, 85; financing the state 96–100;
in kind 53, 86–7
Tchalenko, G. 147
Teias 46, 116
tenants 88–90
tetrarchic system 12
theatre claque 165
Thekla 80
Theodahad 132
Theodora, empress 8, 70–1, 104, 111, 126,
Theodore of Tarsus 8
Theodoret 8, 65, 178
Theodoric the Ostrogoth 38, 40, 47–8
Theodoric Strabo 38, 40
Theodosian Code 18–19, 26–7, 28
Theodosius I, emperor 1, 18, 21–2
Theodosius II, emperor 26, 31
Theophanes 199
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