The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity, 395-700 AD

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Nika revolt 34, 111, 162–3
Nilus of Sinai, St 139
Nitria monastery 79
Nonnus of Panopolis 133
North Africa 4, 152–3; conquered by the
Vandals 35–6, 43, 44; Justinian’s wars
of reconquest 44, 104, 108, 109–10,
‘notables’ 161
NotitiaDignitatum 9
Novellae 105–6

Odoacer 37, 38, 40–1, 54
O’Donnell, J. 210
oil 98–9
Olybrius 37, 41
Olympiodorus 132
oppression 84–5
Origen 238
Orosius 7
Ostrogoths 17; Justinian’s wars of
reconquest 104, 108, 110–11, 115–17;
kingdom in Italy 38, 40, 46–8; see also

paganism 16, 20, 21, 72–5, 108;
Neoplatonism and 135–6
Palestine 70, 170, 181, 182–3
Palladius 76
Palmyra 63, 64, 172–3, 178
papyri 9, 176
Paralius 131
Patlagean, E. 166
patronage 95–6
Paul the Silentiary 127
Paula 70, 142, 183
Paulinus of Nola, St 66, 140
payments for office 94–5
peace treaties: with the Goths 118; with the
Persians (561) 114–15, 173, 189, 192
Pelagia 184
Pelagius I, pope 123
Pella 158
periodization 4, 86, 210
Persarmenians 193
Persia 3, 88; conquest of Jerusalem 195–7;
eastern frontier and 187–90; Justinian’s
wars with 104, 112–15; occupation
period 197–8; peace treaty of 561 114–
15, 173, 189, 192; wars after the peace
treaty 191–5
Petra 176
Philippicus, general 193
Philippopolis 153

Philoponus, John 136
philosophy 134–6
Philostorgius 8
Phocas, emperor 195, 196
Piganiol, A. 210
pilgrimage/pilgrims 80–1, 172
Pinianus 140
Pirenne, H. 209
plague 113–14, 124, 151, 158–9
poetry 133–4
Ponticianus 77
popes/papacy 46, 66, 203; see also under
individual popes
popular culture 138–9
population 168–73
Porphyrius 165 (Porphyrius)
poverty 90
‘praetorium’ at Resafa 174
Pragmatic Sanction, 554 4, 104, 123
Primasius 119
Priscus 132
private life 128; family and 139–42; women
and men 142–4
private religion 71–2
Proclus 135–6
Procopius of Caesarea 8, 74, 112, 124,
126, 139, 152, 173; Justinian’s building
programme 120, 121, 150–1; Justinian’s
wars 106–11, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117,
Procopius (usurper) 16
public religion 71–2
Pulcheria, empress 26, 31, 70
Purcell, N. 4, 11, 208, 209
Pythagoras 76

QalaatSemaan 63
Quaestionesad Antiochumducem 196
Quinisext (Council in Trullo) 71, 203
Qusayr ‘Amra 205–6

Radagaisus 42–3
reconquest, wars of 4, 88, 104, 106–24; cost
of reconquest 116, 117–19; eastern
provinces and peace with Persia 104,
112–15; impact of war 122–4; Italy 104,
108, 110–11, 115–17, 123; North
Africa 44, 104, 108, 109–10, 117–19;
Procopius and 106–11, 112, 113, 115,
116, 117, 122
record-keeping 27
redefinition of knowledge 207
religion see Christianity/Christianization,
Islam, paganism
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