The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


Eastern Europe (Cont.)
revolutions in (1989) 3, 8, 392, 400–15,
416, 435–6, 444, 458, 497
signing of National Security Decision
Directive by Reagan 76
withdrawal of Soviet forces question
325, 327, 355, 358, 359, 409,
see also individual countries
Eastern Europe, policies towards
United States 66, 76, 162, 327–8
USSR 72–6, 80, 95, 151–2, 314–20,
Western Europe 66–73, 240, 316, 319,
321, 322–3, 324, 327–8, 400, 403,
economic decline (USSR) 9, 55–6, 58–60,
179–80, 199, 227–8, 339, 344, 400,
419, 441, 442, 445–6, 469
economic expansion (US) 48, 58, 78, 140,
257, 268, 275
economic reform (USSR) 60–1, 62, 63,
129, 135, 227–8, 241, 260, 324, 326,
344, 354, 371, 373, 386, 416, 421–2,
443, 445, 449, 469, 497
EEC see European Economic Community
enemy, images of the
American images of USSR 18–19,
43–4, 49, 52, 216, 250, 294, 342
Soviet images of United States 225,
Ermath, Fritz 259, 341, 369, 371–2, 374
espionage 49, 183, 258–9, 260–1
American 49, 259–60
industrial 49, 260, 344, 434
Soviet 49, 183, 245, 256, 260, 339, 344,
see also CIA; Directoire de la
Surveillance Territoire; GRU;
Estonia 80, 435, 452, 453, 455–6, 459,
Ethiopia 393–4
Eurocommunism 97–8, 110, 269
European Economic Community (EEC)

and Eastern Europe 366, 367
‘export of revolution’ 420

al-Faisal, Saud 472
Falin, Valentin 73, 263, 391–2, 413, 414,
438, 443, 447, 450, 465
Falklands War (1982) 89, 303
Fiat 88–9
Finnish Communist Party 96–7
First World War 16
Fischer, Oscar 325
Fitzwater, Marlin 372
Foot, Michael 100
Ford, Gerald 14, 34, 364
foreign policy, reform of
American 14, 17–21, 22–23, 34, 36–9,
43–5, 47–50, 66, 102, 114–5, 139
Soviet 111, 122, 124, 126–7, 134–6, 138
ff.: passim
see also Gorbachëv, Mikhail; Reagan,
Ronald; Shevardnadze, Eduard;
Shultz, George; Yakovlev,
Eureka project 151
Gorbachëv’s visit to (1985) 147–8
relations with US 86
relations with USSR 301, 304, 403, 407
see also Mitterand, François
French Communist Party 96, 97
Friedman, Milton 16, 37
Frolov, Ivan 59, 346

G7 summits
(1990) (Houston) 445–6, 449
(1991) (London) 487, 488
Gaddafi, Muammar 184, 186, 394–5
Gandhi, Rajiv 138, 154, 263, 329, 386
Gapurov, Mukhamednazar 63
Garland, Sean 391
Gates, Robert 192, 259, 260–1, 278, 328,
339, 354, 377
General Department (USSR) see under
Communist Party of the Soviet
General Staff Academy 227
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