Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. John N. Hazard, “ ‘New Th inking’ in Soviet Approaches to International Politics
    and Law,” 2 Pace Int’l L. Rev. 2– 19 (1990).

  2. Robert A. Jones, Th e Soviet Concept of “Limited Sovereignty” from Lenin to Gor-
    bachev: Th e Brezhnev Doctrine (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990), 167.

  3. Dispatch, U.S. Department of State, Sep. 17, 1990, 91.

  4. Ibid.

  5. S.C. Res. 841, June 16, 1993.

  6. S.C. Res. 940, July 31, 1994.

  7. Genocide Convention Case (Bosnia v. Serbia), 2007 ICJ Rep. 43.

  8. Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO, Apr. 15, 1994, 1867 UNTS 3.

  9. See Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes, Mar. 18, 1965, 575
    UNTS 159.

  10. See George H. Aldrich, Th e Jurisprudence of the Iran– United States Claims Tri-
    bunal: An Analysis of the Decisions of the Tribunal (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996),
    171– 276.

  11. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, art. 226.

  12. Convention against Torture, Dec. 10, 1984, 1465 UNTS 85, art. 22.

  13. Convention on Racial Discrimination, Mar. 7, 1966, 660 UNTS 195, art. 14.
    Convention on Discrimination against Women, Dec. 18, 1979, 1249 UNTS 13; and
    Optional Protocol, Oct. 6, 1999, 2131 UNTS 83. Convention on the Rights of Disabled
    Persons, and Optional Protocol, Dec. 13, 2006, 2515 UNTS 3.

  14. Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cul-
    tural Rights, Dec, 10, 2008, 48 ILM 256 (2009).

  15. Eu ro pe an Convention on Human Rights, Nov. 4, 1950, 213 UNTS 221.

  16. American Convention on Human Rights, Nov. 22, 1969, 1144 UNTS 123.

  17. African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights, June 27, 1981, 1520 UNTS

  18. See Statute of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, June 10, 1998,
    OAU Doc.OAU/LEG/MIN/AFCHPR/PROT(1)Rev 2 (1998).

  19. S.C. Res. 827, May 25, 1993.

  20. On the early operation of the Yugo slavia Tribunal, see Gary Jonathan Bass, Stay
    the Hand of Vengeance: Th e Politics of War Crimes Tribunals (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton
    University Press, 2000), 206– 75.

  21. Genocide Convention, Dec. 9, 1948, 78 UNTS 277, art. 2.

  22. Statute of the Yugo slavia Crimes Tribunal, Report of the Secretary- General, UN
    Doc. S/25704 (1993), Annex, 36– 48, art. 5; reprinted in Christine Van den Wyngaert,
    ed., International Criminal Law: A Collection of International and Eu ro pe an Instru-
    ments, 2nd ed. (Th e Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2000), 73– 81.

  23. S.C. Res. 955, Nov. 8, 1994.

  24. See, for example, “Statement of the Registrar Concerning the Contract of Em-
    ployment of a Defence Investigator,” ICTR Doc. ICTR/INFO9– 3–04, Aug. 17, 2001.

554 Notes to Pages 444–450

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